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104454 XXIII. The change of which I speak, is inexpressible in few words, but one more important, more radically influential, could not be. XXIII 我所说的变化只需要几个字就可以表达,但是一个更重要、影响更大的变化却不能。
104455 XXIV. I am grieved to have to insist upon what seems so simple; it looks trite and commonplace when it is written, but pardon me this: for it is anything but an accepted or understood principle in practice, and the less excusably forgotten, because it is, of all the great and true laws of art, the easiest to obey. XXIV 我很难过,不得不一再坚持看上去如此简单的东西:一旦被写下来,这种东西就会看上却很陈腐,很平庸,但是请原谅我这么做,这是因为它是建筑实践中某种被普遍接受或明白的东西,倘若被忘记,就不太容易被原谅,因为在一切伟大而真实的艺术法则中,它最容易遵守。
104456 XXIV. II. Thus far, then, of the place for beauty. XXIV 有关美的位置就谈到这里。
104457 XXIV. The reader will observe that, up to the last expansion of the penetrations, the stone-work was necessarily considered, as it actually is, stiff, and unyielding. XXIV 读者将会注意到,直到刺孔最后一次扩张之前,石制窗花必须被看作是坚硬不可弯曲的,而事实也是如此。
104458 XXIX. One more principle of Proportion I have to name, equally simple, equally neglected. XXIX 还有一个比例原则同样简单,同样被忽视,但是我却不得不提。
104459 XXV. But the declining and morbid taste of the later architects, was not satisfied with thus much deception. XXV 后期建筑师衰微而病态的品位对如此欺骗并不感到满足。
104460 XXVI. In the drawing of the shafts of the door at Lisieux, under the spandril, in Plate VII., the reader will see the mode of managing the intersection of similar mouldings, which was universal in the great periods. XXVI 在插图七中,在那幅有关里齐约大教堂三角壁之下的门柱的图画中,读者将会看到相似形状相交的方式,这种方式在伟大时期非常普遍。
104461 XXVI. Of which the first is, that wherever Proportion exists at all, one member of the composition must be either larger than, or in some way supreme over, the rest. XXVI 在这些原则中,首先一条就是:凡是存在比例的地方,某一个要素必须大于其它要素或者在某种形式上凌驾于其它要素之上。
104462 XXVII. The very awkwardness with which such occurrences of difficulty are met by the earlier builder, marks his dislike of the system, and unwillingness to attract the eye to such arrangements. XXVII 早期建筑者在遇到这类困难时所表现出的笨拙表示他不喜欢这个体系,不愿意用这样的设计来引人注目。
104463 XXVII. This rule of supremacy applies to the smallest as well as to the leading features: it is interestingly seen in the arrangement of all good mouldings. XXVII 这一优势原则不仅适用于主要特征,也适用于最渺小的特征:它在一切优秀的建筑布局中都能发现,非常有趣。