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104434 XVII. Perhaps, however, a stranger instance than any I have yet given, of the daring variation of pretended symmetry, is found in the front of the Cathedral of Bayeux. XVII 在贝叶大教堂的正面,我们也许可以找到比我之前所提供的更为奇怪的例子,来说明虚假对称中的大胆变化。
104435 XVIII. Apply this to expressions of thought received by the eye. XVIII 把这一点应用到眼睛所接受的思想表达方式上。
104436 XVIII. I imagine I have given instances enough, though I could multiply them indefinitely, to prove that these variations are not mere blunders, nor carelessnesses, but the result of a fixed scorn, if not dislike, of accuracy in measurements; and, in most cases, I believe, of a determined resolution to work out an effective symmetry by variations as subtle as those of Nature. XVIII 尽管为了说明这些变化不是出于错误,也不是出于粗心,而是对精确尺寸的蔑视--倘若不能说是讨厌的话,我可以提供无数的例子,但是我认为自己提供的已经足够多了;在大多数情况下,这些变化都是为了像大自然一样,给对称带来精巧的变化。
104437 XVIII. It does not belong to my present plan to consider at length the second head of duty of which I have above spoken; the preservation of the architecture we possess: but a few words may be forgiven, as especially necessary in modern times. XVIII 有关我在前文中讨论过的义务的第二方面,也就是如何保护我们所拥有的建筑问题,我目前没打算进行详细讨论,不过稍稍说几句还是可以的,尤其是在近代,更有必要。
104438 XVIII. It is well known, that what is meant by a church's being built of marble is, in nearly all cases, only that a veneering of marble has been fastened on the rough brick wall, built with certain projections to receive it; and that what appear to be massy stones, are nothing more than external slabs. XVIII 众所周知,用大理石砌成的教堂几乎无一例外,只是在砖墙上进行大理石贴面,在砌墙时要留有一些突起好进行贴面,而那些看上去硕大无比的石块其实只是外层石板。
104439 XVIII. We have noted above how the wall surface, composed of rich materials, and covered with costly work, in modes which we shall examine in the next Chapter, became a subject of peculiar interest to the Christian architects. XVIII 我们在前文已经注意到由贵重材料砌成、表面覆盖上值钱的装饰的墙面通过下一章将要讨论的方式,已经成为基督教建筑师特别感兴趣的主题。其宽阔扁平的光线只有通过充满活力的阴影点或块才能获得价值,而这种阴影点或块罗马建筑师只有通过系列连拱廊才能获得。
104440 XX. But it will be said that much of the best wooden decoration of the middle ages was in shop fronts. XX 不过有人会说中世纪最优秀的木质装饰有很多都表现在商店的正面墙面中。
104441 XX. I have, however, given enough instances of vitality shown in mere daring, whether wise, as surely in this last instance, or inexpedient; but, as a single example of the Vitality of Assimilation, the faculty which turns to its purposes all material that is submitted to it, I would refer the reader to the extraordinary columns of the arcade on the south side of the Cathedral of Ferrara. XX 在上面这个例子中,表现活力的方式毫无疑问是聪明的,但是不管是聪明还是作为权宜之计,仅仅通过大胆所表现的活力我已经提供了足够的例子。然而作为同化活力的一个例子,以及一个关于那种将手中一切材料用于实现自己目的的能力的例子,我想请读者考虑佛莱拉(Ferrara)大教堂南侧的连拱廊的奇特廊柱。
104442 XX. Of more wanton or ignorant ravage it is vain to speak; my words will not reach those who commit them, and yet, be it heard or not, I must not leave the truth unstated, that it is again no question of expediency or feeling whether we shall preserve the buildings of past times or not. XX 至于更蛮横或更无知的劫掠,说了也白说;我的话传不到这么做的人的耳朵中,然而不管听到与否,真理该说的还要说,那就是我们是否应当保留过去的建筑又一次不成为一个是否得当或者感情的问题。
104443 XX. The method of decoration by shadow was, as far as we have hitherto traced it, common to the northern and southern Gothic. XX 利用阴影进行装饰的方法就像我们前面探索过的那样,在南北哥特式建筑中都很常见。