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104414 XIX. In order to the obtaining their full effect, it is evident that much caution is necessary in the management of the glass. XIX 为了获得全部效果,很显然在处理玻璃时必须十分小心。
104415 XIX. The last form of fallacy which it will be remembered we had to deprecate, was the substitution of cast or machine work for that of the hand, generally expressible as Operative Deceit. XIX 需要记住的是我们必须反对的最后一种谬误就是使用铸造或机制作品代替手工作品,一般可以称作操作欺骗。
104416 XLI. Pure architectural decoration, then, may be considered as limited to the four kinds above specified; of which each glides almost imperceptibly into the other. XLI 纯粹的建筑装饰于是就可以看作是仅仅限于上述列出的四种类型,各自平滑过渡到另一种类型。
104417 XLII. I have an intense love for these monochrome figures, owing to their wonderful life and spirit in all the works on which I found them; nevertheless, I believe that the excessive degree of abstraction which they imply necessitates our placing them in the rank of a progressive or imperfect art, and that a perfect building should rather be composed of the highest sculpture (organic form dominant and sub-dominant), associated with pattern colors on the flat or broad surfaces. XLII 由于在黑白作品中所发现的奇妙的生命和精神,我深爱着这些黑白人物;然而我认为黑白作品所隐含的过度抽象却使得我们把它们置于发展中或不完美的艺术之列,而完美的建筑则应当由最高级的雕塑构成(有机形状为主和为次),与平面或阔广的表面的色彩图案一起使用。
104418 XLIII. In the course of this and the preceding chapters, I have now separately enumerated most of the conditions of Power and Beauty, which in the outset I stated to be the grounds of the deepest impressions with which architecture could affect the human mind; but I would ask permission to recapitulate them in order to see if there be any building which I may offer as an example of the unison, in such manner as is possible, of them all. XLIII 在本章及前面各章中,我已经把力量和美的条件中的大部分列举出来,从一开始,就明确指出这些条件是建筑给人类所能留下的最深刻的印象的基础,但是我还是想请求读者允许我再提纲挈领地谈一谈这些条件,旨在看一看是否有任何建筑可以作为一个范例,尽可能把力量和美统一起来。
104419 XV. Again, the distinction will be found to exist, not only between forms and shades as subjects of choice, but between essential and inessential forms. XV 我们还会发现差异不仅存在于选择主题的形状和阴影之间,而且也在基本和非基本形状之间。
104420 XV. Evidently, then, painting, confessedly such, is no deception: it does not assert any material whatever. XV 那么很显然,这样的绘画不是欺骗;它并不宣称自己用了任何材料。
104421 XV. No limit: it is one of the affectations of architects to speak of overcharged ornament. XV 没有限制:这是建筑师在谈论过度装饰时最爱说的一句话。
104422 XV. The entire front is composed of an upper and lower series of arches, enclosing spaces of wall decorated with mosaic, and supported on ranges of shafts of which, in the lower series of arches, there is an upper range superimposed on a lower. XV 整个正面由上下两排圆拱构成,包括经过镶嵌装饰的墙壁,由系列立柱支撑,而在底层圆拱中,上排立柱被安置在下排立柱之上。
104423 XV. Thus far of what is not ornament. XV 关于什么不是装饰,我们就谈到这里。