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104360 |
Wu Tao-tzu (about 700–760 AD) became the most celebrated Chinese painter. The first to make full use of the flexible of the brush, he employed undulating lines varying in thickness, with third-dimensional effects. |
吴道子(约公元700—760年)是最有名的中国画家,他第一个把毛笔的灵活性发挥至极致。 |
104361 |
Wu Tingyang |
吴廷扬 |
104362 |
Wu Wei, the landscape painter, who modeled himself on Ma Yüan, became the founder of the so-called Che (Chekiang) school. |
山水画家吴伟追学马远,却创立了“浙派”。 |
104363 |
Wu Weiye |
吴伟业 |
104364 |
Wu Wenxi |
吴文锡 |
104365 |
Wu Wenxi wrote the "Notes on the Hibernation Garden" after he had the garden renovated in 1859, the ninth year of the Xianfeng reign (1851-1861). |
咸丰九年己未(公元1859年)吴文锡修复是园后,又作《蛰园记》。 |
104366 |
Wu Wenying |
吴文英 |
104367 |
Wu Xiangxiang 1965, 171). This may suggest that the complete halt to construction inside the Yuanming Yuan was more apparent than real. |
这不得不让人怀疑所谓完全停止的圆明园营建工程只是表面的说词,而非实际状况。 |
104368 |
Wu's House |
吴宅 |
104369 |
Wu, with his free and masterly brush, excelled in painting subjects of all kinds, sacred and secular—figures, animals and plants, landscape, and architecture. |
吴道子以他自由而纯熟的笔,在画中精妙地画出各式各样的题材——神和人,动物和植物,风景和建筑。 |