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104320 Wright often obscured the entrances to houses. 赖特通常将住宅的入口隐藏起来。
104321 Wright returned to the Midwest and the sort of houses that he designed best: predominantly horizontal, on flat or gently sloping sites. 之后赖特回到了美国中西部,也回归了他之前的那种最好的设计:在平坦的或缓坡场地上的以水平方向为主的建筑。
104322 Wright rushed home from work, having been told it was just a fire it was only the waiting reporters who told him the truth. 被告知仅仅发生了火灾,正在工作的他赶回家,只有在外等候的记者告诉了他真相。
104323 Wright saw "things out of the corner of his eye": Hanna House (Frank Lloyd Wright), interior. Photo by? 图2-13 赖特看到"有什么东西出现在了眼角":汉纳之家内部(弗兰克o劳埃德o赖特)
104324 Wright sometimes used hand-hewn and natural materials and textures to stimulate not only our visual and tactile systems but also our proprioceptive system. 有时,赖特不仅运用手工砍劈的天然材料和纹理来刺激我们的视觉和触觉系统,还以此刺激我们的本体感觉系统。
104325 Wright started with the insight that, given the high cost of Manhattan real estate, the museum had to be vertical. 赖特考虑到曼哈顿昂贵的地价,认为这座博物馆必须是垂直的。
104326 Wright took the reinforced concrete beyond its limits, and the building has sagged and needed substantial restoration work to keep it looking good. 赖特最大限度地利用了混凝土的特点,这座建筑物有些下陷,需要大量修复工作以使其保持良好的视觉效果。
104327 Wright worked on Taliesin from 1911 until his death in 1959, rebuilding after two disastrous fires, enlarging, altering, and refining. 从1911年起,直到1959年过世,赖特一直在塔里耶森工作。在这期间,建筑经历了两次大火和之后的扩建、改建以及改进。
104328 Wright's 1999 'ship' was one of the first totemic signs of a dramatic shift to the East, both creative and commercial. 1999年,怀特的“帆船”设计是转向东方的图腾标志之一,创造性十足,商业价值浓厚。
104329 Wright's Guggenheim Museum in New York and Gehry's Guggenheim Museum Bilbao are famous examples. 这方面的著名例子有弗兰克o劳埃德o赖特设计的纽约古根海姆博物馆(Guggenheim Museum in New York,见图6-25)和弗兰克o盖里设计的毕尔巴鄂古根海姆博物馆。