ID 原文 译文
104260 Worse still there are new sorts of intrusions into the Yuanming Yuan ruins site. 更糟糕的是,一些侵占圆明园旧址的新状况仍有发生。
104261 Worse was to come. On 10 February 1258 the Mongols took the city by storm. 更糟糕的是,1258年2月10日,蒙古人闪电般攻占了这座城市。
104262 Worse yet, Zhongdu had but a meager water supply from a small lake (West Lake, now called Lotus Lake) just west of the city. 更重要的是中都城的地表水源,只是来自城西的一个小湖——西湖(今莲花池),供水有限。
104263 Worse, his cathedral was now the object of scorn. 更糟糕的是,他的大教堂如今却成了众人轻蔑的对象。
104264 Worse, his work had been seized on as 'heathen'. 更糟糕的是,他的作品被看作“粗野”。
104265 Worse, sightseers to the scene find it impossible to take their time for a look around. At the Swallow-Shaped Boulder, only its waterside could be seen; the other sides were smothered in black smoke that threatened to swallow the entire Yangtze River. 所览之景,未允环顾,燕子矶仅临水一面尚可观外,余则黑云滚滚,势袭长江。
104266 Worse, some mountain trails have been converted into highways that ruin the natural gullies and peaks and enshroud mountains in choking traffic dust, while the tourists, instead of having a good time sightseeing, are compelled to scramble with automobiles for the right of the road. 更以筑公路之法而修游山道,致使丘壑破坏,漫山扬尘,而游者集于道与飚轮争途,拥挤可知,难言山屐之雅兴。
104267 Worse, some ponds have had their bottoms paved with mosaic tiles, and therefore look like swimming pools. 今更有以“马赛克”贴池间者,无异游泳池了。
104268 Worse, the famous thinker and great mind was losing his reason. 更糟的是,这位有名的思想家、伟大的大脑逐渐失去理智。
104269 Worshippers here have included John Milton and Samuel Pepys 这里的信徒包括约翰·弥尔顿和塞缪尔·佩皮斯。