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104150 Without prior information on where to find farms, villas, temples, or other sources of spoils, raiders had to spend time during the attack finding what they wanted. 如果没有提前拿到农场、住宅、庙宇或其他资源所在位置的信息,突袭者就只能在进攻的同时花时间寻找所求资源了。
104151 Without quality, organizations do not prevent problems, rather they pay for the cost of customer and staff generated rework. Even in cases where rework may not be required, a firm may expend excessive labour and direct costs to complete a project. 没有质量管理,意味着公司宁肯多支付顾客和员工造成返工的费用,也不愿防止问题的出现,即使是在不需要返工的情况下,公司也可能要花费更多的劳力和费用去完成一个项目。
104152 Without solid economic foundation as a support, any technology can not be implemented or popularized. 没有雄厚的经济基础作支撑,再先进的技术也无法得以实施和普及,
104153 Without some cultural intuitions we would not be able to sense any significant difference between the peasants eating round the fire in a little cottage, and the nobility and revellers eating in the dining room of the Brighton Pavilion - more food, more noise, more people. 要是没有一些文化直觉,我们就感觉不到在一间小农舍中围着火炉吃饭的农民与在布赖顿皇家亭阁的宴会厅中狂欢享乐的贵族这两者之间有多大的不同--只是更多的食物、更多的噪音和更多的人而已。
104154 Without structural analysis, design is impossible. 没有结构分析就不可能进行结构设计。
104155 Without such a wall, an artificial mountain would look like a pell-mell of rocks. This is why well-structured artificial mountains are such a rarity in big gardens built nowadays. 若墙不存,则如一丘乱石,故今日以大园叠山,未见佳构者正在此。
104156 Without such an alternative, one is likely to flounder dismally when reality proves a decision to be inoperative. 反之,舍此以外别无他途,决策人在遇到该决策行不通的时候,就只有背水一战了。
104157 Without such registration, no organization or individual shall engage in the export of nuclear dual-use items and related technologies. 未经登记,任何单位或者个人不得经营核两用品及相关技术出口。
104158 Without support from City Hall, my ability to be effective was diminished, so I resigned the following year. 没有市政厅的支持,我的效率大大降低,所以第二年就辞职了。
104159 Without the ambition to rule and conquer, he indulged himself in painting and writing and was finally made a captive after the Song dynasty invaded into Southern Tang in 947. 他才华横溢,擅长书画,尤其擅长填词,却也因此耽误了政事。947年,宋太宗发动了消灭南唐的战争,李煜仓促应战,却未能改变南唐亡国的命运。