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104120 Without additional support, it will crack and ultimately collapse in on itself. 如果没有额外的支撑,它就可能产生裂缝,并且最终完全倒塌。
104121 Without admitting liability, the Employer may, after receiving any notice under this Sub-Clause, monitor the record-keeping and/or instruct the Contractor to keep further contemporary records. 雇主收到根据本款发出的任何通知后,未承认责任前,可检查记录保持情况,并可指示承包商保持进一步的同期记录。
104122 Without admitting the Employer's liability, the Engineer may, after receiving any notice under this Sub-Clause, monitor the record-keeping and/or instruct the Contractor to keep further contemporary records. 工程师在收到根据本款发出的上述通知后,在不必事先承认雇主责任的情况下,监督此类记录的进行,并(或)可指示承包商保持进一步的同期记录。
104123 Without an obedient attitude, he adds, "How can you find favor with your teacher?" Such modesty won him the mentoring of the right man at the right time throughout his formative years. 他说,没有谦恭的态度,“又如何能得到前辈的垂青呢?”
104124 Without any signs of a body, it could not be a tomb. 缺少尸体的迹象,它就不可能是陵墓。
104125 Without any specialized knowledge of architecture, we know how to read the signs. 即使没有任何建筑方面的专业知识,我们也知道该如何理解这些符号。
104126 Without approval by the securities regulatory authority under the State Council, the sponsors my not offer shares to the public. 未经国务院证券管理部门批准, 发起人不得向社会公开募集股份。
104127 Without covering up ugliness, how can a garden's beauty be brought into focus? Because a scenery to be created may be one- or double-sided, we have got to make a choice. 造景中往往有能观一面者,有能观两面者,在乎选择得宜。
104128 Without deliberation or effort, your various sensory faculties stand on call, ready to collaborate as needed to help you navigate the uneven terrain of pitted sidewalks, fire hydrants, and scrawny, fenced-in trees reaching desperately toward the sky. 你的各种感官能力既不刻意又毫不费力地准备就绪,在需要的时候随时能够协作,去帮你走过这并不平坦的一路:坑坑洼洼的人行道,不时遇到的消防栓,被栅栏围起来而拼命朝天空伸展的纤细小树。
104129 Without effectiveness there is no "performance," no matter how much intelligence and knowledge goes into the work, no matter how many hours it takes. 如果做不到卓有成效,就谈不上“绩效”,不管你在工作中投入了多少才智和知识,花了多少时间和心血。