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104100 |
Within the maze, there were nine perfect circles of various sizes, representing the "six-sided world"-top, bottom, four sides, plus past, present, and future. |
在迷宫里面,有九个大小不同的正圆,代表着天地四方的六合世界以及过去、现在与未来。 |
104101 |
Within the maze, there were nine perfect circles of various sizes, representing the “six-sided world”—top, bottom, four sides, plus past, present, and future. |
在迷宫里面,有九个大小不同的正圆,代表着天地四方的六合世界以及过去、现在与未来。 |
104102 |
Within the nation's distinct socio-cultural history, the concept of the garden as consciously formulated sanctuary-retreat was, from the first, viewed as "an artistic synthesis of architecture, rockery, water, and horticulture." |
在这个国家独特的社会文化范围内,园林作为有意规制的避隐之所,从一开始就被赋予了“由建筑、山水、花木等组合而成的一个综合艺术品”的观念。 |
104103 |
Within the robust arches of Henri Labrouste's Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève in Paris, the observant visitor will notice a series of small flowers fashioned out of wrought iron. |
置身亨利·拉布鲁斯特设计的巴黎圣-热内维埃芙图书馆坚固的拱廊内,目光敏锐的观光客会注意到一组组锻铁打造的小花。 |
104104 |
Within the scope of control for any river course or lake it is prohibited to construct buildings or structures impeding flood discharge, dump garbage and waste residues or engage in activities affecting the stability of river flows, harming the safety of banks and embankments or other activities impeding flood discharge in river courses. |
禁止在河道、湖泊管理范围内建设妨碍行洪的建筑物、构筑物, 倾倒垃圾、渣土, 从事影响河势稳定、危害河岸堤防安全和其他妨碍河道行洪的活动。 |
104105 |
Within the scope of protection of flood control works, exploding, drilling wells, quarrying stones, collecting earth or other operations endangering the safety of flood control works are prohibited. |
在防洪工程设施保护范围内, 禁止进行爆破、打井、采石、取土等危害防洪工程设施安全的活动。 |
104106 |
Within the time of confidentiality, the obligation of one party to confidentiality shall terminate immediately after the confidential technology is disclosed for reasons not of his or its own. |
在保密期限内, 承担保密义务的一方在保密技术非因自己的原因被公开后, 其承担的保密义务即予终止。 |
104107 |
Within the waist in the first layer, each side has four or six small kun-door niches with a carved Hon head. |
第一屋束腰内,每面砌有四个或六个壶门式小龛,龛内雕狮子头。 |
104108 |
Within the waist in the second layer, also each side has four or six small kun-door niches; |
第二层束腰每面亦设有四个或六个壶门式小龛, |
104109 |
Within the wide-ranging aspects of the gardens Chen Congzhou discussed, historic context is not without influence in the evolution of the garden as form and aesthetic, but his interpretations draw with particular intensity upon his deep knowledge of the arts and the evolving relationship these enjoyed with the concepts applied to garden designs. |
在他讨论的园林的各方面当中,历史语境在园林形式与审美的演变中不无影响。他的阐释非常仰仗于自身深厚的艺术造诣,以及各艺术门类与构园理念之间的演进关系。 |