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104030 |
With their advertising hoardings unlit, the buildings appeared wilfully ordinary. |
广告灯箱的灯熄灭后,周围的建筑看起来一心甘于平凡。 |
104031 |
With their lights and shades of truth? |
借助于真实的凹凸不平。 |
104032 |
With their lofty and awe-inspiring images, the Yangzhou artificial mountains stand parallel with their Suzhou counterparts marked for lucid grace and far-reaching vistas. |
以高峻雄厚,与苏州的明秀平远互相颉颃,南北各抒所长。 |
104033 |
With their pierced 'windows', the remarkable rhythmic piers of stalactites were oddly reminiscent of the inside of the Colosseum. |
窗户是通透的,美不胜收、错落有致的石钟乳柱让人产生一种身在古罗马斗兽场的错觉。 |
104034 |
With these bulky new structures in place, it was clear that Louis had established Versailles as a new kind of monarchical institution: a hub of government, a brilliant artistic and architectural showcase, and home of the high aristocracy. |
有了这些庞大的新建筑,很显然,路易十四已经将凡尔赛宫打造成一种新的君主制机构:政府的核心、艺术和建筑杰作,以及高级贵族的居所。 |
104035 |
With these four texts of such different origin, it seems to me that here we have the phenomenological problem very clearly posed. |
凭借这四段来源如此不同的文本(雅斯贝斯、凡o高、布斯凯、拉o封丹),现象学问题似乎已清晰地提出了。 |
104036 |
With these images of the "deep" forest, I have just outlined the power of immensity that is revealed in a value. |
借助"深深的"森林的形象,我们刚才已经勾勒出这种表现为价值的广阔性力量。 |
104037 |
With these remarks, the philosopher of the Welt des Schweigens brings us to the points of extreme sensibility at which, language having achieved complete nobility, phonetic phenomena and phenomena of the logos harmonize. |
sst den Hauch aufsteigen, das t in fest und hart macht fest und hart."[波浪(Welle)中的"W"推动这个词中的波浪,气息(Hauch)中的"H"使气息上升,坚定(fest)和坚硬(hart)中的"t"造成了坚定和坚硬。]研究寂静世界的哲学家用这样的评论把我们带到了感性的极致,在这些地方语音现象与道说现象和谐一致,这时语言拥有其全部的高贵。 |
104038 |
With this building, Rogers also transformed the way that corporations thought about the workplace. |
在这件作品中,罗杰斯转变了公司作为一个工作场所的性质。 |
104039 |
With this excellent motto, both the house and the bedchamber bear the mark of an unforgettable intimacy. |
这句令人赞叹的箴言说的正是家宅,正是以无法忘却的内心空间为特点的卧室。 |