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104020 |
With the simplest tools made of sticks and stone, they engaged themselves in fruit-gathering and hunting, so as to keep themselves alive and breed and bring up their offspring. For this purpose, they had to carry on arduous and tenacious struggles against nature. |
他们用木棒和石头所制造的最原始的工具,从事采集和狩猎,以维持自己的生存和抚育后代,为此他们不得不和自然界进行着艰苦顽强的斗争。 |
104021 |
With the single exception of the wooden pagoda mentioned above, all the pagodas from this period that are still standing are masonry structures. |
除上文提及的应县木塔这一例外,这一时期所有保留下来的佛塔均为砖石结构。 |
104022 |
With the site 749 meters from the reservoir, Pachacuti’s engineers build a water canal with cut stones so precisely designed that the water flows at a perfect rate, with minimum seepage. |
直至今日,印加人所建的水泉 仍然可用。古城距离这个蓄水池有749米远,帕查库蒂的工匠们建造了一条水渠,用设计精密的石块制成,水流速度非常合理,并且渗水量极少。 |
104023 |
With the social development and building technology and materials development, masonry construction gradually flourished. |
随着社会的发展以及建筑技术、建筑材料的开发,砖石建筑逐渐兴盛。 |
104024 |
With the southward moving of the emperor's palace, the south wall of the imperial city and the south wall of the city of Beijing proper were also moved southward. And as a result, the imperial city and the big city got larger space each. |
二、由于紫禁城南移的结果,旧日皇城的南墙与大城的南墙,也都依次南移,中间的空间距离也都各有增加。 |
104025 |
With the spread of Buddhism during the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, an anthropomorphic sculpture assumed an important role. |
南北朝时,佛教盛行,人像雕刻多起来。有一些5世纪早期的小佛像留传下来。 |
104026 |
With the support of the state and the prospects of tourism, a long-range plan began with constructing enclosures and cleaning the grounds. |
在国家和旅游业前景的支持之下,建造围栏和清理现场等长远计划终于开始了。 |
104027 |
With the theme of drawers, chests, locks and wardrobes, we shall resume contact with the unfathomable store of daydreams of intimacy. |
借助抽屉、箱子、锁和柜子这些主题,我们将重新接近内心空间梦想那深不可测的储藏室。 |
104028 |
With the top down technique, the upper sections are finished first. If the weight of the upper sections becomes too heavy, the entire structure could collapse on top of the workers below. |
而对于从上而下的岩刻技术,建筑的上层首先完成,如果上层建筑重量太大,整座建筑将会倒塌,淹没在下层工作的工人。 |
104029 |
With the tune over, I have passed Songling Road, Looking back, fourteen bridges in mist I descried. |
“曲终过尽松陵路,回首烟波十四桥。” |