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103980 |
With the exception of the small house on top of the tower, which is a later addition that has nothing to do with the original purpose, this structure answers exactly to the descriptions in the chapter on Astronomy, the History of the Yuan Dynasty. |
台顶有一小屋,为后世加建,与其原本用途毫无关系。除此而外,这座观星台完全符合《元史·天文志》中的描述。 |
103981 |
With the exception of the small hunting lodge, the Pavillon de la Lanterne, situated near the site of the old Menagerie - which President Sarkozy took over in 2007 as a presidential retreat - the Versailles estate is now fully managed by the EPV. |
至此,除了狩猎小屋、靠近动物园旧址的灯笼阁(萨科齐总统于2007年将这里变为总统的度假行宫),整个凡尔赛宫都处在EPV的管理之下。 |
103982 |
With the exception of the speculative housing market, where the residential units may be sold as built by the real estate developer, most constructed facilities are custom made in consultation with the owners. |
随着科学技术的发展,已经会出现更多先进的测量设备。 |
103983 |
With the expansion of the Yuanming Yuan, the administrative staffs of various ranks steadily increased in number. |
随着圆明园的扩建, 各个位阶管理人员的数目不断地增加。 |
103984 |
With the fact of the first consciously constructed dwelling established, as time flowed on, social structures gained ever deeper footholds within human communities and engendered inevitable societal differences; certain groups of people discovered new and various relationships to the land that afforded what we now describe as privilege. |
随着时间的流逝,人类第一次有意识地建造住所,社会结构在人类聚群中更加牢固,社会差异随之而来,不可避免。某些群体发现了人与土地之间新的关系,由此产生我们现在所谓的“特权”。 |
103985 |
With the fall of the T'ang Dynasty the creation of Buddhist images in stone almost ceased. |
〔4〕宋代雕塑唐朝之后,石造佛像几乎停止了。 |
103986 |
With the focus on advancing supply-side structural reform and improving transport governance, China has furthered reform of the management institutions and mechanisms. |
以深化供给侧结构性改革为主线,以提升行业治理能力为重点,持续深化交通运输体制机制改革。 |
103987 |
With the goal of developing an atmosphere of pride, trust, and profitability in the construction process, the TQM concept does away with traditional hierarchical barriers and encourages innovation and cooperation. |
随着施工过程中尊重、信任和获利氛围目标的构建,全面质量管理思想消灭了传统的等级障碍,鼓励革新和合作。 |
103988 |
With the gradual realization of the limitations of natural resources and the global need for conservation it will become necessary to maximize efficiency in all areas. |
除了投机性住宅市场,在那里住宅单元由负责建造的房地产开发商销售之外,大多数的建筑设施都是在与业主协商一致的基础上定制的。 |
103989 |
With the gradual realization of the limitations of natural resources and the global need for conservation it will become necessary to maximize efficiency in all areas. |
随着人们逐渐意识到自然资源的有限和全球范围内的资源保护,在所有领域内实现效率最大化变得势在必行。 |