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103940 |
With the Picturesque came the new aesthetic and cultural strands of Celticism and the Gothic. |
和风景如画般风格一同兴起的是新的美学和文化领域内代表——赛特尔风俗式和哥特式。 |
103941 |
With the Yale Center for British Art, Louis Kahn adopted a different solution to the oblique approach. |
路易斯•康在设计耶鲁大学英国艺术中心的时候,采用了不同的倾斜方法。 |
103942 |
With the active participation and joint efforts of the countries concerned, a connectivity framework consisting of six corridors, six routes and multiple countries and ports has taken shape. |
在有关国家积极参与和共同努力下,“六廊六路多国多港”的互联互通架构基本形成。 |
103943 |
With the addition of estimates of activity duration, the diagram can be analyzed numerically to determine the estimated project duration. |
外加工序持续时间估计,通过数字分析网络图确定项目的预计工期。 |
103944 |
With the aid of such a resource, we might become more conscious readers, as well as writers, of our environment. |
有了这种帮助后,我们也许会成为我们所处环境的一个更为有心的读者和作者。 |
103945 |
With the attention to conformance as the measure of quality during the construction process» the specification of quality requirements in the design and contract documentation becomes extremely important. |
借助于建筑材料和制成品的现代化运输方法,假如在施工过程中使用更多的预制品,可以改变一个项目直接劳动成本和材料的百分比。 |
103946 |
With the availability of on-board electronics (including computer chips) and sensors, the possibilities for sophisticated machine controllers and monitors have greatly expanded for construction equipment and tools. |
如果把遵守设计作为施工过程中的质量保证手段,那么设计和合同文件中对于质量的标准和要求便显得极为重要。 |
103947 |
With the availability of these computer-based scheduling programs, it is important for managers to understand the basic operations performed by scheduling programs. |
随着基于计算机计划程序的广泛使用,对于管理者来说,理解这些由计划程序执行的基本运算的概念性框架,就显得尤为重要了。 |
103948 |
With the availability of these computer-based scheduling programs, it is important for managers to understand the basic operations performed by scheduling programs. |
随着面板电子器件(包括计算机芯片)和传感器的应用,先进的机器监督装置被使用到施工设备和工具中的可能性大增。 |
103949 |
With the breeze blowing, bells ring sweet melodious tones. |
微风吹来,铃声悠扬悦耳。 |