ID 原文 译文
103930 With tanglehead-thatched pavilion, tiny room, deck, Pains should be taken to mesh mountain and brook. “黄茅亭子小楼台,料理溪山煞费才。”
103931 With technological innovation as a locomotive, China promotes innovation in management, institutions and culture, improves its innovation system and environment, and optimizes its human resources in support of the transport industry. 把创新作为推动发展的第一动力,以科技创新为牵引,大力推进管理创新、制度创新、文化创新,完善创新体系,优化创新环境,强化人才支撑。
103932 With temperatures on the rise, roofs must be enlisted in the fight against climate change. 随着气温的上升,屋顶也不可避免地被征用为抵抗气候变化的一分子。
103933 With ten villages and their lights, G.-E. Clancier nails a Leviathan constellation to the earth: 克朗西耶(G. E. Clancier)用十个村庄和它们的灯火钉成一幅大地上的海兽星座图:
103934 With the Emperor breathing down his neck, he bows to the inevitable, and instructs his engineers to build a much weaker elliptical dome, now on top of a cylinder. 在皇帝的严密监督下,他听天由命地 指挥他的工程师们在一个中空圆柱体的上面,建造一个很不坚固的椭圆形穹顶。
103935 With the Glass Pavilion at the Toledo Museum of Art in Toledo, Ohio, Kazuyo Sejima, the lead architect in the Japan-based firm SANAA, wrapped curving floor-to-ceiling glass walls around spaces to variously articulate, obscure, and reflect the physical boundaries between corridors, exhibition and ancillary areas, and other walls, all the while maintaining the sweep of visual continuity. 总部位于日本的SANAA建筑事务所在俄亥俄州托莱多市设计托莱多艺术博物馆(Toledo Museum of Art)的玻璃展馆(Glass Pavilion,见图3-13)时,用从地板直到天花板的玻璃曲面墙把各个空间包了起来,目的是以各种方式表明、模糊和反映走廊、展区、辅助区以及其他墙体之间的物理界限,同时保持视野不受遮挡。
103936 With the Institute physically removed to the far corner of China's southwest, recollections of field work over now enemy-trodden northern lands are the more vivid and dear with our ever increasing nostalgia and concern. II. Our Trips 目前,营造学社的机构迁至中国西南边陲,北方的土地遭受着敌军铁蹄的践踏,我们的怀念和关注与日俱增,曾经在那里进行过的野外考察的记忆愈发鲜活而亲切。
103937 With the Outer City built, the central axis of the Inner City extended southward to the due south gate of the Outer City. The new central axis was as long as nearly eight kilometres. 由于外罗城的修建,原来内城的中轴线,又向南延伸到外城的正南门,总长近八公里,这在整个北京旧城的平面布局上,显得最为突出。
103938 With the Outer City built, the construction of the old city of Beijing was fundamentally completed. 历史上北京城的建设,到此基本完成。
103939 With the People's Conference Hall that represents the centre of popular power on its west side and the Museum of Chinese Revolution and the Museum of Chinese History which serve to praise the people as the motive force in history-making, the square has become the heart of the political life of China's various nationalities, whence were spread abroad the aspirations of the Chinese people. 这时又在广场的西侧建成了人民大会堂,在东侧建成了中国革命和中国历史博物馆。随着这两座现代大建筑物的落成,天安门广场已经形成为全国各族人民政治生活的心脏,从这里传播出中国人民最强烈的心声。