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103850 With its strict laws forbidding representational imagery, Islam would make an enormous impact on architecture. 其严令禁止具有代表性的意象,伊斯兰教将对建筑产生极大的影响。
103851 With its undulating roof and silvery edges it both exploits and blends in with the surrounding landscape, as the best architecture should. 伊休斯酒庄屋顶呈波浪形,墙壁边缘银光闪闪。正如最佳建筑应该做到的,伊休斯酒庄充分利用周围环境并使之与建筑物巧妙地融合在一起。
103852 With land prices rising along with the demand for office and business space, the skyscraper was the obvious move. 随着办公及商业区域的需求,土地价格水涨船高,这一点在摩天大楼的建造上尤为突出。
103853 With lifelike perspective, the villa's staff peer around trompe-l'oeil doors in the Crociera room. 为了达到栩栩如生的目的,画中在克罗斯若房间仆人们躲在假门后偷窥。
103854 With little in the way of organized law enforcement, the pilgrims risked robbery or worse. 由于路途中没有成文的法律约束,朝圣者们遭遇了抢劫甚至更糟糕的事情。
103855 With magnificent palaces, prosperous markets and convenient transportation, Dadu, the capital of the Yuan dynasty became the world's most prosperous and spectacular city, as revealed by the plain yet vivid words of the Italian traveler Marco Polo in his travel notes. 宫殿富丽堂皇,商业繁华,交通便利。意大利旅行家马可·波罗在他的旅行游记中曾用朴实生动的语言叙述了700多年前北京城的美丽与壮观。
103856 With military humiliation at the hands of Austria and Prussia staring France in the face, a popular insurrection in Paris on 10 August 1792 forced the National Assembly to announce the king's abdication and then, on 21 September, to declare a republic. 对奥地利和普鲁士战败的耻辱导致了1792年8月10日巴黎的大规模暴乱,迫使国民议会宣布国王退位,并于9月22日宣布成立共和国。
103857 With moderate size, bricks can be assembled to a variety of components, such as brackets, flat seat, windows, moldings and a variety of carvings, patterns and so on. 砖材由于砖块大小适度,可以砌出各种仿木构件,例如斗拱、平座、门窗、线脚以及各种雕饰、纹样等。
103858 With modern means of transporting construction materials and fabricated units, the percentages of costs on. direct labor and materials for a project may change if more prefabricated units are introduced in the construction process. 借助于建筑材料和制成品的现代化运输方法,假如在施工过程中使用更多的预制品,可以改变一个项目直接劳动成本和材料的百分比。
103859 With modern means of transporting construction materials and fabricated units, the percentages of costs on. direct labor and materials for a project may change if more prefabricated units are introduced in the construction process. 在一个双代号网络图中,虚工作被用来提供特殊的工作安排和保持正确的工作间的逻辑关系。