ID 原文 译文
103790 With a simple bracket, the inner column would support the entire width of the 48m floorplate and the outer column would simply support the 6m between the two columns. 用一个简单的支架,内侧的柱子可以支撑整个四十八米宽的地板,外侧的柱子则只能支撑两列柱子之间的六米地板。
103791 With a single poetic detail, the imagination confronts us with a new world. 想象力用一个诗意的细节把我们带到一个崭新的世界面前。
103792 With a stroke of his pen the artful dodger finds another quick fix. 而雷恩就是要避免这一点,这个高明的躲避者大笔一挥,三两下又解决了问题。
103793 With a theodolite, it is possible to get the lengths of the unmeasured sides from the known angles of the triangle and measured side"L 有了经纬仪,就可以根据从三角形的已知夹角和已测边长得到未测边长。
103794 With a theodolite, it is possible to get the lengths of the unmeasured sides from the known angles of the triangle and measured side"L 这些风力发电站只有在风力资源丰富的地方,诸如沿海地区和山区,才能得到高效率的利用。
103795 With a total of nine hundred skilled laborers trained during the construction process, the effort brought better building practices, not to mention better medicine, to Rwanda for generations to come. 此项目的建设过程,共培训出900名技术熟练的劳动力,为卢旺达几代人带来了更先进的建造技术,更不用说更先进的医疗条件。
103796 With a venerable history and a distinctive character, the craft of Chinese gardens is a school of its own worldwide. Over the years scholars around the world have been studying it in every perspective, and contributed a wealth of eloquent and judicial discourses. 我国造园具有悠久的历史,在世界园林中树立着独特风格,自来学者从各方面进行分析研究,各抒高见。
103797 With an activity-on-branch network, dummy activities may be introduced for the purposes of providing unique activity designations and maintaining the correct sequence of activities. 有了经纬仪,就可以根据从三角形的已知夹角和已测边长得到未测边长。
103798 With an entry and powder room fully carved from rock, The Pierre (French for stone) is a house that celebrates the rugged landscape of its site. 皮埃尔别墅(Pierre在法文中指石头)的入口和化妆间完全由岩石凿刻而成,整个别墅将周围岩石密布的景观突显得淋漓尽致。
103799 With an estimated 5,000 disciplined workers for the moat alone, Suryavarman can drive the excavation forward at a fantastic pace. 仅修建护城河一项工程,苏耶跋摩动用了大约5000名训练有素的工人,以惊人的速度挖掘护城河。