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103668 |
Why should every man own his own garden? Oftentimes a man stays in a garden without realizing it. |
然则人何必各有其园也。 |
103669 |
Why should it matter what our environment has to say to us? |
我们的环境跟我们说什么到底有何相干? |
103670 |
Why should the state of 19th century British architecture matter so much in comparison with the rest of the world? |
为什么19世纪英国的建筑师与世界上其他的建筑师相比,占有如此重要的地位呢? |
103671 |
Why then, is it not done all the time? |
可是,为什么做起来又是另一回事呢? |
103672 |
Why this might be so is one of the questions I will try to answer in this book, but part of the blame must rest with the awkward and misleading disciplinary title, 'landscape architecture'. |
为什么会这样?这会是我在本书中回答的问题之一,但部分原因要归咎于"景观设计学"(landscape architecture)这个有失偏颇和具有误导性的学科名称。 |
103673 |
Why was Graves's formal architectural vocabulary so different—they called it a breach—from the taste of average Americans, they wanted to know? |
为什么格雷夫斯的建筑语言与美国大众的品位不同?人们称之为一种突破,他们想知道其中的原因。 |
103674 |
Why was that seen to be a good thing? |
为什么意大利建筑就被认为是出色的建筑呢? |
103675 |
Why was the earth moved in this profligate fashion? |
为什么会形成这样一种恣意的时尚呢? |
103676 |
Why were we so quickly sated with the happiness of living in the old house? |
为什么我们那么快就满足于住在一个居所的幸福? |
103677 |
Why would a country invent an architect who didn't really exist? |
为何一个国家要虚构一位并非真实存在的建筑师? |