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103418 While the city was reconstructed, two groups of buildings were put up just to the south of the city. The two groups of buildings stood side by side. 五、在城市改建的同时,又在大城正南方修建了两组大建筑,东西并列。
103419 While the coffers of the Pantheon emphasize the solidity and weight of the dome and lead the eye up to the oculus, the lacy fan vaults of the Perpendicular Gothic chapel harmonize with the delicate tracery of the windows. 万神庙的圆桶强调着圆顶的坚固和厚重,从而将人们的视线吸引到顶端的圆环;国王学院垂直哥特式礼拜堂的扇形拱顶,则与窗户上的精美花纹相呼应。
103420 While the competition unfolded, the orchestra's building committee toured the world's leading concert halls. 在竞赛过程中,乐团的建筑委员会参观了世界一流的音乐厅。
103421 While the decision to make a trip is a complex process based on the availability of destinations, the travel facilities, the cost of travel and the journey purpose, it is usual to divide model building into four interconnected processes. 决定出行是个复杂的过程,它将以到达目的地的方便程度、出行所使用的交通工具、出行成本,以及出行目的等因素为依据。通常把模型建立划分为四步相互关联的步骤。
103422 While the democratic Florentines identified themselves with the Romans, and believed their city was founded by Julius Caesar, the evil Visconti was building a Gothic cathedral to rival Florence's, flying buttresses and all. 当拥有民主精神的佛罗伦萨人民认同了罗马理念,并坚信这座城市是由尤利乌斯·恺撒所建时,邪恶的维斯康提便着手建造起一所哥特式教堂来抗衡佛罗伦萨的教堂,以及飞扶壁式建筑等。
103423 While the detail and complexity of these documents may vary with the size and nature of the proposed bid package and contract, they generally include invitation to bid instructions to bidders form of bid form of contract conditions of contract, both general and special; specifications and drawings relevant technical data (including of geological and environmental nature) . list of goods or bill of quantities delivery time or schedule of completion and necessary appendices, such as formats for various securities. 尽管不同施工部位重复进行的工作以及过去已完工项目的工作任务可以减轻定义工作任务繁重的工作量,但我们在进行这项工作时却很少使用计算机来为我们帮忙。
103424 While the elegant gardens of rulers and princes were being built in northwestern Beijing during the Ming-Qing period from the fourteenth to eighteenth century, the making of private gardens, especially in South China, also improved greatly. Splendid garden villas in large numbers were found in such prominent cities as Suzhou, Hangzhou, Nanjing, and Yangzhou. 从公元14世纪到18世纪的明清时期,正当许多皇帝和亲王都在北京的西北近郊建造了很多优美园林的同时,私人庭园的营造,特别在中国南方,也有很大进展,如在苏州、杭州、南京和扬州等著名城市,可以发现大量富丽堂皇的庄园别墅。
103425 While the exterior is a product of the interior, the inside is not the only negative of the exterior forms. 虽然室外是室内的生成结果,但室内并不仅仅是室外形式的负相反转。
103426 While the field labor is greatly reduced in such cases, "materials" for delivery are in fact manufactured products with value added by another type of labor. 在这些情况下,虽然现场劳动力大大地减少了,但事实上所运送的材料是通过另一类劳动力进行增值后的制成品。
103427 While the field labor is greatly reduced in such cases, "materials" for delivery are in fact manufactured products with value added by another type of labor. 虽然招标文件的详细程度和复杂程度会随招标包和合同的大小和性质不同而有所不同,但它们一般都应包括:投标邀请、投标人须知、投标书格式、合同格式、合同条款, 包括通用条款和专用条款、技术规格和图纸、有关的技术参数(包括地质和环境资料)、 货物清单或工程量清单、交货时间或完工时间表、必要的附件,比如各种保证金的格式。