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103368 |
While identical in function and similar in general dimensions, balustrades vary wildly in detail. |
远非如此。虽然栏杆有相同的功能和类似的尺寸,但是在细节上可以千变万化。 |
103369 |
While in its second branch, that which is especially concerned with the arts, the justice of the feeling is still more doubtful; it depends on our answer to the broad question, Can the Deity be indeed honored by the presentation to Him of any material objects of value, or by any direction of zeal or wisdom which is not immediately beneficial to men? |
在第二种牺牲中,亦即与艺术有专门关系的牺牲中,情感的合法性仍然更加值得怀疑,取决于我们如何回答一个更广泛的问题:通过将有价值的物品奉献给神祗或者把对人类没有直接好处的热忱或智慧指向神明,神真的会感觉受到了敬重吗? |
103370 |
While in other words, everything is calm, tight. |
换句话说,一切都平静而又紧张。 |
103371 |
While in possession of the lease item, the lessee shall perform the obligations of maintenance and repair thereof. |
承租人应当履行占有租赁物期间的维修义务。 |
103372 |
While in the desert, Diolé does not detach himself from the ocean and, in fact, desert space, far from contradicting deep-sea space, is expressed in Diolé's dreams in terms of water. |
在荒漠里,迪奥莱没有丢掉海洋。荒漠的空间并没有和深水的空间相抵触,而是在迪奥莱的幻想中通过水的语言表达出来。 |
103373 |
While inside the carriage, everything remains as it was in the lowlands - pictures of a lake are still neatly screwed to the wall by the door, a bottle of apple juice continues to sit undrunk on the table - outside, we have journeyed to a place which resembles one of the less hospitable moons of Jupiter. |
而在车厢内,一切都跟刚才路过低地时别无二致--车门旁边的墙上仍干净利落地钉着几幅湖泊的风景照片,你一直都没碰过的那杯苹果汁仍摆在桌子上--而车厢之外,我们已然旅行至一个并不比木星的卫星更加好客的所在。 |
103374 |
While it did confirm a frequent Western complaint regarding the mysteriously glacial aspect of Japanese houses, this lack of insulation was evidently far from accidental, being tied instead to a desire, Zen in origin, to remind the occupants of their connection to, and dependence on, nature, and of the unity of all living things. |
它确实强化了西方人经常针对日本房屋的一种抱怨,即那种神秘兮兮的冰冷感,不过这幢住宅对保暖措施的漠视却远非意外所致,而是有意为之,以提醒其住户不要忘记他们跟自然的联系、他们对自然的依赖以及所有生灵均须和谐相处的禅宗思想。 |
103375 |
While it is interesting to watch the way that Western ideas of landscape architecture are being grafted onto Chinese culture, we may soon see the influence of Chinese modes of thought and practice having an effect upon the way that landscape architecture is practised in the rest of the world. |
有意思的是,我们注意到西方的景观设计学理念正在中国文化中发挥作用。不久,我们也许就能看到中国式思维和实践对世界其他地方的景观设计学实践方式所产生的影响。 |
103376 |
While keeping us warm and helping us in mechanical ways, they simultaneously hold out an invitation for us to be specific sorts of people. They speak of visions of happiness. |
它们在机械意义上为我们遮风挡寒的同时,还发出一种希望我们成为特定的某种人的邀请。 |
103377 |
While landscape architects do sometimes design gardens, this amounts to a small fraction of their work. |
虽然景观设计师有时确实会设计花园,但这只是他们工作内容的一小部分。 |