ID 原文 译文
103138 Where the parties do not wish to, or are unable to, resolve such dispute through settlement or mediation, the dispute may be submitted to the relevant arbitration institution for arbitration in accordance with the arbitration agreement between the parties. 当事人不愿和解、调解或者和解、调解不成的, 可以根据仲裁协议向仲裁机构申请仲裁。
103139 Where the parties or the other participants in the arbitration believe that there are omissions or errors in their statements recorded, they shall have the right to apply for supplementation or correction. 当事人和其他仲裁参加人认为对自己陈述的记录有遗漏或者差错的,有权申请补正。
103140 Where the parties prescribed liquidated damages for delayed performance, the breaching party shall, in addition to payment of the liquidated damages, render performance. 当事人就迟延履行约定违约金的, 违约方支付违约金后, 还应当履行债务。
103141 Where the passenger delays in carrying out the relevant formality, the carrier may refuse to refund the fare, and is no longer obligated to carry such passenger. 逾期办理的, 承运人可以不退票款, 并不再承担运输义务。
103142 Where the passenger fails to pay the fare, the carrier may refuse to carry. 旅客不交付票款的, 承运人可以拒绝运输。
103143 Where the passenger insists on carrying in person or placing in his luggage the prohibited item, the carrier shall refuse to carry. 旅客坚持携带或者夹带违禁物品的, 承运人应当拒绝运输。
103144 Where the passenger violates the previous paragraph, the carrier may unload, destroy or turn over to the relevant authority the prohibited item. 旅客违反前款规定的, 承运人可以将违禁物品卸下、销毁或者送交有关部门。
103145 Where the passenger's check-in luggage was damaged or lost, the relevant provisions governing cargo carriage apply. 旅客托运的行李毁损、灭失的, 适用货物运输的有关规定。
103146 Where the people's governments at or above the provincial level have decided according to law that the competent administrative departments for environmental protection of the local people's governments at or above the county level exercise the power of administrative penalty mentioned in the preceding paragraph, such decision shall be abided by. 省级以上人民政府依法决定由县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门行使前款规定的行政处罚权的, 从其决定。
103147 Where the person liable for soil contamination cannot be identified, and the land use right holder fails to perform his obligation of risk control and prevention of soil contamination according to the provisions of this Law and causes physical injury or property damage to others, the land use right holder shall assume the tort liability according to law. 土壤污染责任人无法认定,土地使用权人未依照本法规定履行土壤污染风险管控和修复义务,造成他人人身或者财产损害的,应当依法承担侵权责任。