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103058 |
Where the consignee or the consigner of the imported or exported goods subject to automatic licensing submits the automatic licensing application before going through the Customs declaration procedures, the authority responsible for foreign trade under the State Council or its authorized authorities shall grant approval. |
实行自动许可的进出口货物,收货人、发货人在办理海关报关手续前提出自动许可申请的,国务院对外贸易主管部门或者其委托的机构应当予以许可; |
103059 |
Where the consignor violates the previous paragraph, the carrier may refuse to carry. |
托运人违反前款规定的, 承运人可以拒绝运输。 |
103060 |
Where the consultant under the technical consulting contract failed to provide the consulting report within the prescribed period or the consulting report submitted does not comply with the contract, it shall be liable for breach of contract by way of reducing or foregoing the remuneration, etc. |
技术咨询合同的受托人未按期提出咨询报告或者提出的咨询报告不符合约定的, 应当承担减收或者免收报酬等违约责任。 |
103061 |
Where the contaminated soil to be transported is hazardous waste, the construction unit shall dispose of such soil according to laws, regulations and relevant standards. |
转运的污染土壤属于危险废物的,修复施工单位应当依照法律法规和相关标准的要求进行处置。 |
103062 |
Where the contamination occurred before this Law comes into force and the person liable for soil contamination cannot be identified, the land use right holder that actually undertakes the soil contamination risk control and remediation may apply for the fund for risk control and remediation of the contaminated soil. |
对本法实施之前产生的,并且土壤污染责任人无法认定的污染地块,土地使用权人实际承担土壤污染风险管控和修复的,可以申请土壤污染防治基金,集中用于土壤污染风险管控和修复。 |
103063 |
Where the contract has expired but the duration of the patent relating to the imported technology has not expired, the relevant stipulations of the |
合同期满时, 引进技术所涉及的专利尚未期满的, 应当按照《中华人民共和国专利法》的有关规定办理。 |
103064 |
Where the contract is terminated due to non-compliance of any ancillary component of the subject matter, the effect of termination does not extend to the main components. |
因标的物的从物不符合约定被解除的, 解除的效力不及于主物。 |
103065 |
Where the contract prescribes a period during which delivery is to take place, the seller may deliver at any time during the delivery period. |
约定交付期间的, 出卖人可以在该交付期间内的任何时间交付。 |
103066 |
Where the contractor undertakes a project construction project in a province, region, or city other than the place where the contractor is registered, but executes a construction project contract without going through the formalities for obtaining the permit for project contracting by a non-local construction enterprise, the contractor shall be ordered to go through the relevant formalities. Such matter shall be resolved by the relevant administrative departments in accordance with the relevant provisions, and shall not serve as grounds for determining the contract invalid. |
14承包人跨省区或跨市承揽建设工程,但未办理外来施工企业承包工程许可证手续而订立的建设工程合同,应责令承包人被办有关手续,并由有关行政部门按规定处理,而不应据此认定合同无效。 |
103067 |
Where the depositor failed to inform, thereby causing damage to the deposit, the depository is not liable for damages; where the depository sustains any loss as a result, the depositor shall be liable for damages, except where the depository was, or should have been, aware of the situation and failed to take remedial measures. |
寄存人未告知, 致使保管物受损失的, 保管人不承担损害赔偿责任; 保管人因此受损失的, 除保管人知道或者应当知道并且未采取补救措施的以外, 寄存人应当承担损害赔偿责任。 |