ID 原文 译文
102938 Where functionaries of departments of housing administration or land administration take advantage of their functions and powers to extort money or properties from others or to illegally accept money or properties from others, thereby seeking gains for others, and the case constitutes a crime, they shall be investigated for criminal responsibilities in accordance with the supplementary provisions on punishing crimes of embezzlement and bribery; 房产管理部门、土地管理部门工作人员利用职务上的便利,索取他人财物,或者非法收受他人财物为他人谋取利益,构成犯罪的,依照惩治贪污罪贿赂罪的补充规定追究刑事责任;
102939 Where gaps through the northern mound of the Vallum were later cut to allow access from milecastles, there is no clear evidence for a route across the ditch and through the southern mound. 后来,罗马人辟出了从里堡直通北丘的道路,但没有明确证据显示还有越过壕沟直抵南丘的道路。
102940 Where his luggage exceeds the prescribed limit on carry-on luggage, the additional luggage shall be checked in. 超过限量携带行李的, 应当办理托运手续。
102941 Where houses are leased for activities of production and business operation, the rent and other terms for the lease shall be determined by both parties through consultation. 租用房屋从事生产、经营活动的,由租赁双方协商议定租金和其他租赁条款。
102942 Where in order to further its own interests, a party improperly impaired the satisfaction of a condition, the condition is deemed to have been satisfied; where a party improperly facilitated the satisfaction of a condition, the condition is deemed not to have been satisfied. 当事人为自己的利益不正当地阻止条件成就的, 视为条件已成就; 不正当地促成条件成就的, 视为条件不成就。
102943 Where in suits of subrogation brought separately by two or more obligees, the same secondary obligor is named as the defendant, the People's Court may combine the suits for adjudication. 两个或者两个以上债权人以同一次债务人为被告提起代位权诉讼的, 人民法院可以合并审理。
102944 Where in the course of liquidation, the company conceals its assets, makes false statements in its balance sheet or schedule of assets, or distributes company assets prior to full repayment of company debts, it shall be ordered to make rectification, and the company shall be fined not less than 1 percent but not more than 5 percent of the value of the concealed assets, or the value of the assets distributed prior to full repayment of company debts. 公司在进行清算时, 隐匿财产, 对资产负债表或者财产清单作虚伪记载或者未清偿债务前分配公司财产的, 责令改正, 对公司处以隐匿财产或者未清偿债务前分配公司财产金额百分之一以上百分之五以下的罚款。
102945 Where in the course of such inspection, the warehouser discovers any non-compliance of the goods, it shall timely notify the depositor. 保管人验收时发现入库仓储物与约定不符合的, 应当及时通知存货人。
102946 Where industrial property or non-patented technology is contributed as capital at certain value, its valuation shall not exceed 20 percent of the total registered capital, except where the state makes special provisions for companies utilizing high and new technologies. 以工业产权、非专利技术作价出资的金额不得超过有限责任公司注册资本的百分之二十, 国家对采用高新技术成果有特别规定的除外。
102947 Where is the "back" of the building? 建筑的“背面”在哪里?