ID 原文 译文
102868 Where an agreement is reached through mediation, a statement of mediation shall be prepared by the arbitral tribunal. 调解达成协议的,仲裁庭应当制作调解书。
102869 Where an applicant asks the administrative organ to account for or to give explanations about the displayed contents, the administrative organ shall do so to provide exact and liable information for it 申请人要求行政机关对公示内容予以说明、解释的, 行政机关应当说明、解释, 提供准确、可*的信息。
102870 Where an applicant has withdrawn his application for reconsideration, he may not apply for reconsideration again for the same facts and reasons. 申请人撤回复议申请, 不得以同一的事实和理由再申请复议。
102871 Where an applicant neither initiates a suit nor implements the reconsideration decision within the time limit, the case shall be dealt with according to different conditions: 对申请人逾期不起诉又不履行复议决定的, 分别情况处理:
102872 Where an application is made orally, the mediation institution shall, on the spot, note down the basic background of the applicant, the matters under dispute, the reasons for mediation and the time of application. 口头申请的,调解组织应当当场记录申请人基本情况、申请调解的争议事项、理由和时间。
102873 Where an decision on administrative punishment, which should be made according to this Law, fails to be made, the competent department at a higher level may directly make such decision. 依照本法规定应当作出行政处罚决定而未作出的,上级主管部门可以直接作出行政处罚决定。
102874 Where an employing unit and a worker conclude a labor contract before the latter starts to work, the labor relationship shall be established as of the date when the latter starts to work. 用人单位与劳动者在用工前订立劳动合同的,劳动关系自用工之日起建立。
102875 Where an employing unit detains a worker's personal file or other articles when the worker has his labor contract revoked or terminated in accordance with law, it shall be penalized in accordance with the provisions in the preceding paragraph. 劳动者依法解除或者终止劳动合同,用人单位扣押劳动者档案或者其他物品的,依照前款规定处罚。
102876 Where an employing unit fails to conclude an open-ended labor contract with a worker in violation of the provisions of this Law, it shall pay the worker two times his salary for each month, starting from the date on which an open-ended labor contract should be concluded. 用人单位违反本法规定不与劳动者订立无固定期限劳动合同的,自应当订立无固定期限劳动合同之日起向劳动者每月支付二倍的工资。
102877 Where an employing unit violates the labor laws or regulations or breaches a labor contract or a collective contract, the trade union concerned shall have the right to put forward its opinions or request rectification. 用人单位违反劳动法律、法规和劳动合同、集体合同的,工会有权提出意见或者要求纠正;