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102788 |
Where a limited liability company has a board of directors, a meeting of shareholders committee shall be called by the board, and presided over by the chairman of the board; where the chairman is unable to perform his duties due to any special reason, the meeting shall be presided over by the vice-chairman or another director appointed by the chairman. |
有限责任公司设立董事会的, 股东会会议由董事会召集, 董事长主持, 董事长因特殊原因不能履行职务时, 由董事长指定的副董事长或者其他董事主持。 |
102789 |
Where a limited liability company has been established through investment by two or more state-owned enterprises, or by two or more state-owned investment entities of other kinds, there shall be representative(s) of the workers of the company on the board of directors. |
两个以上的国有企业或者其他两个以上的国有投资主体投资设立的有限责任公司, 其董事会成员中应当有公司职工代表。 |
102790 |
Where a member of the liquidating committee abuses his authority to engage in fraudulent activity for private gain, to obtain illegal income or convert company assets, such member shall be ordered to return the company assets, and the illegal income shall be confiscated, and such member may be fined not less than 2 times but not more than 5 times the illegal income. |
清算组成员利用职权徇私舞弊、谋取非法收入或者侵占公司财产的, 责令退还公司财产, 没收违法所得, 并可处以违法所得一倍以上五倍以下的罚款。 |
102791 |
Where a merchant engages in any fraudulent activity while supplying goods or services to a consumer, it is liable for damages in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Protection of Consumer Rights. |
经营者对消费者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的, 依照《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》的规定承担损害赔偿责任。 |
102792 |
Where a packing method was not prescribed or clearly prescribed, Article 156 hereof applies. |
对包装方式没有约定或者约定不明确的, 适用本法第一百五十六条的规定。 |
102793 |
Where a packing method was not prescribed or clearly prescribed, and cannot be determined in accordance with Article 61 hereof, the subject matter shall be packed in a customary manner, or, if there is no customary manner, in a manner adequate to protect the subject matter. |
对包装方式没有约定或者约定不明确, 依照本法第六十一条的规定仍不能确定的, 应当按照通用的方式包装, 没有通用方式的, 应当采取足以保护标的物的包装方式。 |
102794 |
Where a part of a labour contract is confirmed as invalid and where the validity of the remaining part is not affected, the remaining part shall remain valid. |
确认劳动合同部分无效的, 如果不影响其余部分的效力, 其余部分仍然有效。 |
102795 |
Where a party delays in delivering the subject matter, the original price applies if the price has increased, and the new price applies if the price has decreased. Where a party delays in taking delivery or making payment, the new price applies if the price has increased, and the original price applies if the price has decreased. |
逾期提取标的物或者逾期付款的, 遇价格上涨时, 按照新价格执行; 价格下降时, 按照原价格执行。 |
102796 |
Where a party discovers any circumstance which may lead to the failure of the development in whole or in part as described in the previous paragraph, it shall timely notify the other party and take the appropriate measures to mitigate loss; where the party failed to timely notify the other party and take the appropriate measures, thereby causing further loss, it shall be liable for such further loss. |
当事人一方发现前款规定的可能致使研究开发失败或者部分失败的情形时, 应当及时通知另一方并采取适当措施减少损失。没有及时通知并采取适当措施, 致使损失扩大的, 应当就扩大的损失承担责任。 |
102797 |
Where a party has effected division after it entered into a contract, unless otherwise agreed by the obligee and obligor thereunder, the legal persons or other organizations resulting from the division jointly and severally assume the rights and obligations thereunder. |
当事人订立合同后分立的, 除债权人和债务人另有约定的以外, 由分立的法人或者其他组织对合同的权利和义务享有连带债权, 承担连带债务。 |