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102708 |
When you look at the ground, actually, it looks like something firm that won't move, but that's a delusion. 埃德·麦卡恩(ED MCCANN): |
当你从地面上看的时候,会以为这是个坚如磐石的地基,而那不过是个幻象。 |
102709 |
When you run your hand along MAS's rough-cut stone surfaces or touch its smooth, silver "hands," your muscles and joints sense the stone's and the hand's density, weight, and vibration. |
当你的手拂过MAS的粗糙石头表面或者触摸它那光滑的银"手",你的肌肉和关节会感觉到石头和手的密度、重量和振动。 |
102710 |
When you speak English you are not replicating Shakespeare's English, or Walt Whitman's English, or even Virginia Woolf's English. |
这两者之间是有区别的。当你在讲英语的时候,并不是在重复莎士比亚的英语,或者惠特曼的英语,甚至弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫的英语。 |
102711 |
When you think of it, is there any other industry that for a fixed amount of money, takes on the construction of a complex product, never ever built before, within defined time limits, and using a construction team, who, in all likelihood, have never before worked together⑵? |
你不妨想想,还有哪个行业需要依照固定数额的投资、在确定的时间范围内、使用以前有可能从未从事过的施工队伍,来生产以前从未生产过的复杂产品?大体上看,整个行业看起来运转顺畅。 |
102712 |
When you think of it, is there any other industry that for a fixed amount of money, takes on the construction of a complex product, never ever built before, within defined time limits, and using a construction team, who, in all likelihood, have never before worked together⑵? |
当使用圆圈表示法来模拟工序之间的逻辑关系时,定义一个起点和终点更容易确定开始和终结工序,如图2所示。 |
102713 |
When you turn the thing round to the side, you realize that what this is--is-- is effectively a carving into the cliff, and so when we start talking about it as a structure, and how does it work as a structure, it's very, very different to a building in the-- in the conventional sense. |
埃德·麦卡恩当你把卡兹尼宫殿的模型转到侧面看,你会很明显地发现它实际上是从悬崖里头挖空而成,所以当我们把它当成是一个建筑,提到它的用途的时候,它又与传统意义上的建筑物非常不同。 |
102714 |
When you view the architectural evidence you can't help feeling that the Minoans could teach us a few things about living the good life in peace, harmony and some contentment. |
当审视遗留的建筑证据的时候,你不禁会感受到米诺斯文明教给我们一些事情,使我们懂得平静、和睦,满足地好好生活。 |
102715 |
When you walk through an urban environment, you take the strangeness of the architecture for granted.' |
当你走在城市环境里,你会对建筑的陌生感习以为常。 |
102716 |
When you've been through this there's little you don't know! |
当我们经历这些的时候,我们有怎样的体会啊! |
102717 |
When, a few decades later, soap manufacturer William Hesketh Lever created 'Port Sunlight', a similar model village, it was truly squeaky clean. |
几十年后,肥皂制造商威廉·赫斯凯·利华建造“阳光港”,这也是一个模范村庄,真正意义上的人间净土。 |