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102688 When we recall the hours we have spent in our corners, we remember above all silence, the silence of our thoughts. 每当我们回忆起角落里的时光,我们回忆起来的是一片寂静,思考的寂静。
102689 When we recall the old house in its longitudinal detail, everything that ascends and descends comes to life again dynamically. We can no longer remain, to quote Jo? 当我们开始仔细地思考老宅的高度时,一切上升和下降的地方都重新开始被生动地体验。
102690 When we returned from the USA in 1963, Norman, Su and I had set up Team 4 with my ex-girlfriend Georgie Cheesman, and her sister Wendy. 一九六三年,从美国回来后,诺曼、苏、我、我的前女友乔吉·奇斯曼和她的妹妹温迪一起成立了小组四。
102691 When we see the extraordinary complex of monuments that comprise the Stonehenge landscape we are witnessing the way ancient people perceived their world and its realities. It is an amazing privilege. 当我们直视构成巨石阵景观的纪念性遗迹群时,见证的事实上是古人感知世界与真实的方式,这于我们来说何其幸焉,因此我们永远都不该轻视他们的想象力,以及这种想象力馈赠我们思考的维度、层面和无穷无尽的细节。
102692 When we spent time together in Tuscany, walking round Florence, Pienza and Siena, our roles were reversed, and I became the teacher. 我们一起在托斯卡纳度过了一段时间,去佛罗伦萨、皮恩扎和锡耶纳旅行时,我们的角色互换了,我成了老师。
102693 When we stand in a downstairs gallery, absorbed in looking at the art and therefore experiencing ourselves primarily egocentrically, we cannot but sense a rustling of movement above our heads. 当我们站在楼下画廊全神贯注欣赏艺术时,主要是从自我中心视角体验自我的,这时我们会不可避免地听到头顶传来的沙沙声。
102694 When we started out, we all knew each other well, and could pass work and ideas back and forth, to test, enhance, challenge them, pinning up drawings and reviewing them together in our Monday design forum meetings, working like twelve hands with one brain. 随着不断成长,我们找到了新的合作方式。刚开始的时候,我们彼此都很熟悉,可以来回交流工作和想法,不断测试、提高、挑战我们的构想,在周一的设计会议上讨论图纸,像拥有十二只手的同一个人一样工作。
102695 When we study electricity or magnetism, we can speak symmetrically of repulsion and attraction. 我们当然可以在研究电学或者磁学时对称地谈论排斥和吸引。
102696 When we tried to build it on a number of sites, we ran into problems with planning and building control. 当我们试图在一些地区真正建立它时,我们遇到了规划和建筑控制方面的问题。
102697 When we visit a foreign city, these are the places we remember, as much as the fa? ades or interiors of individual buildings. 当我们参观一个外国城市时,会留下记忆的正是这些地方,正如我们在参观私人住宅时会注意到外墙和内部结构一样。