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102658 When we as tourists in the Lake District see them they are 'vernacular architecture' and a charming part of the scenery, protected by legislation. 如今当我们作为旅游者来到湖区〔3〕时,我们会将这些房屋看作是"乡土建筑",是迷人风景的一个有机组成部分,而且受到法律保护。
102659 When we begin to teach children writing, we force them to absolute copyism, and require absolute accuracy in the formation of the letters; as they obtain command of the received modes of literal expression, we cannot prevent their falling into such variations as are consistent with their feeling, their circumstances, or their characters. 当我们开始教授儿童如何写作时,我们迫使他们鹦鹉学舌,要求他们在书写字母时要绝对正确;随着他们掌握了普遍接受的文学表达方式,我们就无法阻止他们求变,以便和他们的感情、环境或性格相一致。
102660 When we climb up an earthen knoll in the southeast corner of that garden and look into the distance, we can see none of the outside buildings—the designer has taken pains to block the views that cannot be borrowed, and then he has ponds dug and rocks stacked up to make the visitor feel like roving a wooded mountain. 我们登其东南角土阜,极目远望,不见园外房屋,尽量避免不能借的景物,然后园内凿池垒石,方才可使游人如入山林。
102661 When we come to the T'ang period, it is no surprise to find two important pagodas among the innumerable Buddhist remains of this period in the Sian area, in Shensi. These are the Ta-yen T'a and Hsiao-yen T'a, the Great and Little Gander Pagodas. 当我们转向研究唐朝时,在陕西西安地区众多的佛教建筑遗迹中发现的两座佛塔无疑是最重要的,这就是大雁塔和小雁塔。
102662 When we dream of locks and keys there's nothing more to confess. 当我们梦见钥匙和锁的时候,我们没有其他可坦白的。
102663 When we dream of the house we were born in, in the utmost depths of revery, we participate in this original warmth, in this well-tempered matter of the material paradise. 当我们梦想出生的家宅时,在梦想的最深处,我们融入了最初的热量之中,融入了物质天堂的温和物质中。
102664 When we dream there, we are in harmony with the irrationality of the depths. 在梦见地下室时,我们对深层非理性表示赞同。
102665 When we enter a built environment, we immediately survey and apprehend its character, figuring out, usually with a glance, what we can and should do, discerning all the norms that govern people's conduct there. 进入一个建成环境,我们会立即进行勘查,把握特点,弄清或者说通常是一目了然地知道可以做什么、应该做什么,看出它给人设定的一切行为规范。
102666 When we established the partnership 30 years ago, these types of benefits and this type of structure were almost unheard of. 当我们在三十年前建立时,这些类型的福利和这种结构几乎是闻所未闻的。
102667 When we experience the Holocaust Memorial from the sidewalk and from within its repetitive slabs, however, our emotions and impressions are quite different. 然而,在一块块水泥板之间的人行道上体验大屠杀纪念碑群的时候,会有很不一样的情绪和印象。