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102588 |
When the town centre was rebuilt – some 40 square kilometres of today's Napier was under the sea before the earthquake – they used the new modern style. |
在重建其市中心时——地震前的纳皮尔市约40平方公里的土地都处于海平面以下——他们采用了一种崭新的现代风格。 |
102589 |
When the tributary goods from provinces reached the garden, it was the duty of the chief eunuch to make a thorough inspection before granting permission to transport them through the canals to their assigned place for display. |
当来自各省的贡品送至园内的时候,在贡品获批通过河道到达指定陈列的地方之前,总管太监的职责是要先对所有贡品作彻底的检查。 |
102590 |
When the twenty-four-year-old Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, not yet renamed Le Corbusier, visited Athens in September 1911, he spent three weeks on the Acropolis, sketching the ruins. |
1911年,24岁的勒•柯布西耶到了雅典。他用了3个星期的时间画雅典卫城的废墟。 |
102591 |
When the ultimate strength of a ductile material is reached, the cross-sectional area of the test specimen starts to decrease or neck down, and the resultant load that can be carried by the specimen decreases. |
当达到韧性材料的极限强度时,测试试样的横截面积开始减小或颈缩,由试样承担的荷载会减小。 |
102592 |
When the vast land of Jiangnan was draped in the feeble sunshine of an early-winter day, I paid a second visit to the Retreat and Reflection Garden in Tongli, a small town in the water-bound county of Wujiang. |
初冬的微阳,浅照在江南的原野,我又重游了水乡吴江同里的退思园。 |
102593 |
When the vicus is included, the whole community looks far more like a garrison town than a purely military installation ready for war. |
若将乡镇也纳入考量,整个社区看起来就远远不止一座纯粹用于备战的军事设施,而更接近一座有军队驻防的城镇。 |
102594 |
When the visitor catches sight of the Villa Savoye, it appears covered in a uniform coating of white paint, except for the two side walls of the ground floor housing the garage and servants' quarters, where the white yields its place to dark green, in empathy with the surrounding lawn. |
当参观者第一眼看到萨伏伊别墅时,它披着一身始终如一的白色外衣,只有首层的车库以及服务区的两面侧墙例外。那里将白色变成了深绿色,移情于围绕在别墅四周的草地。 |
102595 |
When the visitor mounts the path, the horizontal lines of the pilgrims' house, underscored by polychromy, seem to visually act as a base for the dynamically tensioned forms of the chapel. |
当参观者顺着道路向上攀行时,朝圣者住家那些由多色彩饰强调出的水平线条似乎在视觉上就成为了教堂动态张力形式的衬底。 |
102596 |
When the water situation of any river or lake approaches the guaranteed water level or the safety flow capacity, or when the water level of any reservoir approaches the level of design flood, or when a great danger occurs to flood control works, the flood control headquarters under the relevant people's government at or above the county level may declare an emergency flood season. |
当江河、湖泊的水情接近保证水位或者安全流量, 水库水位接近设计洪水位, 或者防洪工程设施发生重大险情时, 有关县级以上人民政府防汛指挥机构可以宣布进入紧急防汛期。 |
102597 |
When the wind rises from waterside buildings and the cool air generated in the thick foliage of trees towering over deep ponds begins to drift, the heat waves of a smothering summer day will vanish in no time, while the orchids' seasonal aroma accumulated in bamboos' shades penetrates visitors'sleeves. It is with such unique fascinations that the Lingnan gardens stand proudly among all counterparts in the Divine Land. |
旧时岭南园林,每周以楼,高树深池,阴翳生凉,水殿风来,溽暑顿消,而竹影兰香,时盈客袖,此唯岭南园林得之,故能与他处园林分庭抗衡。 |