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102508 |
When the door rotates on its axis to a maximum angle of 90° it opens the sanctuary onto a vast perspective - out towards the surrounding hills. |
当门绕着门轴转动到最大的90°角时,它就为圣所敞开了户外青山环绕的茫茫远景。 |
102509 |
When the dowager did not take the matter seriously, the eunuchs appealed to the Guangxu Emperor for action. |
慈禧太后并没有太当回事,那些太监就转而向光绪皇帝告状。 |
102510 |
When the dreamer really experiences the word "immense," he sees himself liberated from his cares and thoughts, even from his dreams. |
当梦想者真正体验到广阔这个词的时候,他就会看见自己摆脱了他的烦恼、思想和梦想。 |
102511 |
When the early summer arrived, he was aware that the long green shades had covered the courtyards and created countless artful shadows on the different floors. |
当初夏来临之时,他注意到茂密的绿阴遮蔽庭院,巧妙地呈现出许许多多不同的楼影和树影。 |
102512 |
When the emperor considered it too ambitious to pursue at the time, clearly due to the lack of funding, Guo acquiesced but insisted that since the Westerners came from the sea, China had to meet the challenge on the sea. |
咸丰认为在当时财政困乏的情况下,这是十分冒进的做法,虽然郭嵩焘勉强同意这个说法,但还是坚持认为,西人既然从海上来,中国就要面对海上的挑战。 |
102513 |
When the emperor solicited straightforward advice with regard to domestic problems, Guo stressed the importance of knowing the exact condition of the people and the state, because most officials in the government, in his opinion, knew too little to tackle problems. |
当咸丰要求直陈有关国内的问题时,郭嵩焘强调要清楚了解国计民生的重要性,因为以他的看法,大部分政府官员所知不多,故无法解决问题。 |
102514 |
When the emperor was sixty years old in 1819, the royal treasury could still afford a lavish celebratory fanfare, with colorful decorations extending all the way from Beijing to the gates of the Yuanming Yuan, compatible with Qianlong's grand birthday (Wu Zhenyu 1983, 132). |
当嘉庆于1819年庆祝六十大寿时,皇家内库仍然能够支付铺张的庆典费用,道路上五彩缤纷的装饰从北京城一直延伸到圆明园门口,可跟乾隆大寿时的盛况相媲美。 |
102515 |
When the emperor was sixty years old in 1819, the royal treasury could still afford a lavish celebratory fanfare, with colorful decorations extending all the way from Beijing to the gates of the Yuanming Yuan, compatible with Qianlong’s grand birthday (Wu Zhenyu 1983, 132). |
当嘉庆于1819年庆祝六十大寿时,皇家内库仍然能够支付铺张的庆典费用,道路上五彩缤纷的装饰从北京城一直延伸到圆明园门口,可跟乾隆大寿时的盛况相媲美。 |
102516 |
When the environmental artist Mierle Laderman Ukeles (1939-) began her long spell as artist-in-residence with the New York City Sanitation Department, one of her first public acts was to shake the hand of every refuse collector and thank them for the vital work they did for society. |
环境艺术家米耶尔勒˙拉德曼˙尤克里斯(1939-)在开启她在纽约市卫生局的长期进驻艺术家生涯之时,做出的第一件公开举动就是与每一位环卫工人握手,感谢他们为社会所做的重要工作。 |
102517 |
When the evening finally came, he rode a four-man palanquin to the Drill Field for the exciting entertainment, including wrestling, lantern dance, and the biggest show of fireworks in the year. |
当夜幕下垂后,他乘坐四人抬的轿子来到"山高水长",欣赏让人兴奋的表演节目,包括摔跤、灯舞和一年中最盛大的烟火表演。 |