ID 原文 译文
102468 When the Song and Liao was at war, this pagoda played an important military role in watching enemy because Liangxiang was located in key passages. 古代宋辽交战时,由于良乡地处辽境,燎石岗又扼南北交通要道,[宋辽对峙,战事频仍,而该塔可“阶级环上,北望都城,南眺涿鹿,举在目前”,]曾起瞭望敌情的重要军事作用。
102469 When the Song dynasty was established, Dongjing (modern Kaifeng, Henan province) was made the capital. 宋代建都东京(今河南开封),此时洛阳已不再是都城。
102470 When the Sui Dynasty (581-618) built a new imperial city-the Daxing Cheng-south of the River Wei after its reunification of China in the early seventh century, the entire northern section of the city was designated as royal demesne. 中国在公元7世纪初再度统一,隋朝(公元581-618)在渭河南岸建立新都大兴城时,把整个大兴城的北边划为皇家的宫苑。
102471 When the Sui Dynasty (581–618) built a new imperial city—the Daxing Cheng—south of the River Wei after its reunification of China in the early seventh century, the entire northern section of the city was designated as royal demesne. 中国在公元7世纪初再度统一,隋朝(公元581—618)在渭河南岸建立新都大兴城时,把整个大兴城的北边划为皇家的宫苑。
102472 When the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Uprising troops took control of Suzhou, Li Xiucheng (1823-1864), the King of Loyalty, took the western and eastern parts as his mansion, but the Qing government seized the garden again after the uprising fell through. 迨太平天国克复苏州,又为忠王府的一部分。太平天国失败,为清政府所据。
102473 When the Taking-Over Certificate has been issued for the Works, and the Works have passed all specified tests (including the Tests after Completion, if any), the first half of the Retention Money shall be paid to the Contractor. 当已颁发工程接收证书,且工程已通过所有规定的试验(包括竣工后试验,如果有)时,应将保留金的前一半付给承包商。
102474 When the Taking-Over Certificate has been issued for the Works, the first half of the Retention Money shall be certified by the Engineer for payment to the Contractor. 当工程师已经颁发了整个工程的接收证书时,工程师应开具证书将保留金的前一半支付给承包商。
102475 When the Wall was abandoned and the Antonine Wall established instead, it is striking how much effort went into slighting the Vallum and making crossing-places over it, and also into removing gates at milecastles. 哈德良长城被弃置、安东尼长城取而代之后,我们也难以想象罗马人花费了多少精力才在壁垒上辟出口子、造出通道,并拆除了原来里堡的大门。
102476 When the Washington Monument was being renovated, it was Graves who designed the distinctive scaffolding that, illuminated at night, became a tourist attraction in its own right. 当华盛顿纪念碑被翻修时,格雷夫斯设计了一个特别的脚手架,在晚上还可以发光。脚手架自身倒成了当时的旅游胜景。
102477 When the Wei Tartars moved their capital here from Ta-t'ung, the iconographic artists came with them. 当北魏鲜卑族从大同迁都至此时,造像艺术家亦随之而来。