ID 原文 译文
102458 When the Nabataeans reached the bottom, their blank canvas was ready to be carved. 直到他们挖通到底部,就可以在这块空白的岩墙上进行雕刻加工。
102459 When the Nazis invaded Paris, Guimard and his Jewish wife fled into exile. 当纳粹攻入巴黎后,吉玛德和他的犹太妻子逃离流亡到海外。
102460 When the Northen Wei dynasty first set up its regime, Pingcheng (today's Datong in Shanxi province) was its capital. Later, however, as the political and economic centers gradually moved southward after Northern Wei unified north China, Luoyang was finally announced the capital in 493. 北魏初期定都在平城(今山西大同),它统一北方以后,政治、经济重心开始南移。
102461 When the Ottoman Turks took Athens in 1456, they converted the Parthenon into a mosque, adding a minaret. Traces, including its internal staircase, can still be seen. 1456年,奥斯曼土耳其人占领了雅典,他们给帕特农神殿加了一个尖塔,把它变成了清真寺,如今仍能够寻到包括室内楼梯在内的踪迹。
102462 When the PRC was founded in 1949, transport was underdeveloped. 新中国成立之初,交通运输面貌十分落后。
102463 When the Philadelphia architect Frank Furness designed the main library of the University of Pennsylvania at the end of the nineteenth century, he made it a "head-and-tail" building: the head housed a soaring reading room, while the iron-and-glass tail contained the book stacks. 19世纪末期,费城建筑师弗兰克•弗尼斯(Frank Furness)在设计宾夕法尼亚大学主图书馆时,把它设计成了一栋“头尾式”建筑。图书馆的“头部”是一个高耸的阅览室,而钢和玻璃的“尾部”则被用来放置书架。
102464 When the Qing Dynasty was overthrown in 1911, it was this square which had been so strictly forbidden to the ordinary people that became the rallying centre of the revolutionary masses for patriotic demonstrations. 在清王朝1911年被推翻之后,也正是这个过去严禁老百姓涉足的广场,却成了革命群众集合起来举行爱国示威游行的中心。
102465 When the Retention Money has reached three-fifths (60%) of the limit of Retention Money stated in the Appendix to Tender, the Engineer shall certify and the Employer shall make payment of half (50%) of the limit of Retention Money to the Contractor if he obtains a guarantee, in a form and provided by an entity approved by the Employer, in amounts and currencies equal to the payment. 当保留金已达到投标文件附录中规定的保留金限额的五分之三(60%)时,工程师应开具支付证书,雇主应将保留金限额的一半(50%)支付给承包商,只要雇主取得了按他批准的格式开具的并且由他批准的实体提供的保函(等额且使用支付时使用的货币)。
102466 When the Romans arrived, many leaders chose to ally with the invaders, seeing them as less of a threat than their neighbours and traditional enemies. 罗马人入侵时,许多部落首领选择与他们结盟,认为罗马人带来的威胁比邻居和旧敌造成的威胁小得多。
102467 When the Smithsonian engaged Gyo Obata to design the National Air and Space Museum, it instructed him to respect the other buildings on the Mall, and he designed four simple cubes connected by glass atria, and even matched the Tennessee marble of the cubes to the National Gallery across the Mall. 当史密森尼学会任命乔•奥巴塔(Gyo Obata)设计美国国家航空航天博物馆时,吩咐他要尊重国家广场上的其他建筑物。于是,奥巴塔设计了一栋由中庭连接的四个并排的立方体。