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102448 |
When the Earl of Bedford issued contracts for the building of his eponymous square in 1776, his stipulations revealed an almost maniacal obsession with Classical harmony, setting down as they did rules to govern the exact height of each storey, the depth of every window frame, the colour of the bricks and the specific kind of wood to be used in the floorboards ('the best Memel or Riga timber without a trace of sap'). |
当贝德福德伯爵于1776年出版因他本人得名的广场的建筑合同时,他制订的条款表现出他对古典和谐的近乎疯狂的热中,详细规定了每层楼的高度,每个窗框的深度,砖的颜色以及用于铺设地板的特定种类的木材("梅梅尔或里加木料,而且要没有一滴树液")。 |
102449 |
When the Eight-Tone Gully in the Solace-Imbued Garden of Wuxi lost its tones, the garden is robbed of its former glory right away. |
无锡寄畅园八音涧失调,顿逊前观,可不慎乎? |
102450 |
When the Employer accepts the Letter of Tender, the Contract (which then comes into full force and effect) includes these completed Schedules. |
当雇主接受投标文件时,合同(此时即生效)应包括一套完整的资料表。 |
102451 |
When the Eternal Spring Garden was finished in 1751, another set of administrative staff, including a manager of the sixth rank, two deputy managers of the seventh rank, and two assistant managers of the eighth rank were appointed. In 1759, the manager and deputy manager were renamed garden official (yuancheng) and deputy garden official (yuanfu), respectively. |
当长春园于1751年完工时,又任命了另一组管理人员,包括一名六品的主事、两名七品郎中和两名八品员外郎。 |
102452 |
When the Jurchen troops invaded south China, Yangzhou sustained considerable destruction. |
金军南下,扬州受到较大的破坏。 |
102453 |
When the King died, he would have been cremated. |
当国王死后,他将被火葬。他… |
102454 |
When the Lord Chancellor's suite there was recently refurbished the price seemed to the popular press to be profligate, but if we make adjustments for changes in the value of money, it would have cost no more than it did originally. |
最近威斯敏斯特宫的上议院大法官套房进行重新装修,所花费的金钱对于大众媒体来说简直就是天文数字,但如果考虑到币值的变化,那么那次装修的花费还没有最初建造时的花销大。 |
102455 |
When the Manchus asked police to interrogate the missionaries, the reply was that these pieces would be safer on campus. |
当清室要求警察详细询问这些牧师,所得到的答复居然是:这些石柱放在校内保存会更安全。 |
102456 |
When the Marquis de Chastellux visited Monticello in 1782 he said that the house was unlike any other in America, and that 'Mr. Jefferson is the first American who has consulted the Fine Arts to know how he should shelter himself from the weather'. |
当沙特吕侯爵〔7〕(Marquis de Chastellux)于1782年访问蒙蒂塞罗时说,这座住宅在美国仅此一处,并且称"杰斐逊先生是美国第一位了解美术,并知道如何为自己建造栖居之所的人"。(〔7〕沙特吕侯爵(1734-1788),法国军人,13岁进入军队,1772年因其著作而成为法兰西学会成员,1779年成为赴美国的远征军将领之一,并参加过约克城战役,战争结束回到法国后出版了回忆录《北美游记》,1784年袭其兄之爵位而成为侯爵。) |
102457 |
When the Ming troops first conquered Dadu City, they leveled down the Yuan imperial palaces to the ground. For the sake of defence, they built up a new bulwark on the bottle-neck of the Water Storing Pond, which was positioned 2.5 kilometres inside the original northern city wall. |
明兵最初攻下大都城时,为了便于防守,曾在原来的北城墙内约2.5公里的地方,跨过积水潭上最窄狭之处,另建新墙。 |