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102378 |
When making a planning of new capital city, he drew a tangent line from the most eastern part of ancient Jishuitan (the east bank of Qianhai of Shichahai) as the axis of the whole city. |
刘秉忠在规划新都城时,在古积水潭这一串弓形湖泊的最东部(即今什刹海前海的东岸)画了一条切线作为全城的中轴线。 |
102379 |
When making an award of a labor dispute case, in which part of the facts are clear, the arbitral tribunal may make an award first on the basis of the said facts. |
仲裁庭裁决劳动争议案件时,其中一部分事实已经清楚,可以就该部分先行裁决。 |
102380 |
When maples begin to redden, oaks are yellowed, New frost to his temples Heyang judge does dread6. Woods and pavilion plunge me into nostalgic mood, To whom can I open broken heart on death's road? |
诗云:“枫叶初丹槲叶黄,河阳愁鬓怯新霜;林亭感旧空回首,泉路凭谁说断肠。 |
102381 |
When men do not love their hearths, nor reverence their thresholds, it is a sign that they have dishonored both, and that they have never acknowledged the true universality of that Christian worship which was indeed to supersede the idolatry, but not the piety, of the pagan. |
当人们连自己的家都不热爱、连自己的窝也不尊敬时,它标志着他们把两者都侮辱了,标志着他们从来都没有承认过真正取代了异教偶像崇拜的虔诚的基督教崇拜的普遍性。 |
102382 |
When metaphysicians speak briefly, they can reach immediate truth, a truth that, in due course, would yield to proof. |
当形而上学家简洁地言说时,他们能够通达直接的真理,证明可能会磨损这个真理。 |
102383 |
When mitigating the impact of a proposed motorway or power transmission line they want their work to blend into the surrounding landscape as harmoniously as possible. Others strive for effects that are startling, amusing, or theatrical and would be dismayed if they thought their artistry was being overlooked. |
一些景观设计师以其作品的隐蔽性为傲,在减弱拟建设的高速公路或输电线路的影响时,他们希望自己的作品可以尽可能和谐地融入周围的景观中;另一些设计师则追求惊人、有趣或是戏剧性的效果,如果发觉自己的艺术性被忽视了,他们就会感到很沮丧。 |
102384 |
When modern research into Stonehenge began at the start of the twentieth century, it very soon became apparent that it was not going to be a simple story to unravel. |
关于巨石阵的现代研究始于20世纪初,人们很快就意识到这个谜团不可能轻而易举地被解开。 |
102385 |
When money ran out and the University Congregation refused to pay any more for the carving, the brothers offered to work for free. |
当钱用尽时,大学教会拒绝为雕刻提供更多资金,于是这些兄弟无偿工作。 |
102386 |
When nearing Yun-kang, the springless vehicle had to bump over miles of saw-toothed, slanting rock strata. It is an experience to remember a lifetime. |
接近云冈的时候,艰涩的车行不得不颠簸于一里又一里犬牙交错的倾斜石面上。 |
102387 |
When necessary, departments for public security and traffic control shall, according to the decision of the flood control headquarters, execute traffic control on land and in water areas. |
必要时, 公安、交通等有关部门按照防汛指挥机构的决定, 依法实施陆地和水面交通管制。 |