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102358 When it is all over, the organization will forget fast that he saved the business. They will remember, though, his vendetta against the two or three poor devils in the plant - and rightly so. 这次事件过去之后,公司同仁谁也不记得他当初挽救了公司,大家只记得他公报私仇,说他跟两三位与他合不来的老职员作对——而事实正是如此。
102359 When it is carried into works not merely of art but of fine art.' This is an interesting assertion, not just because Olmsted was placing engineering and science at the service of art, but also because he was clearly saying that art is more than just a matter of skill and that it has some connection with beauty. 到那时,它们不仅被运用到艺术作品上,也被用到美术作品中。"这是个有趣的论述,不只是因为他把工程和科学放在了为艺术服务的地位上,而且奧姆斯特德还清楚地宣告艺术不仅仅是一种技艺,它与美也存在着某些联系。
102360 When it is very bright outside in the morning the choir is flooded with light, accentuating the outline of the elements it contains: altar, cross and candelabra. 清晨,当户外一片明媚时,整个唱诗班席沉浸在光中,席位上的祭坛,十字架,大烛台等物件轮廊都被烘托出来。
102361 When it opened in 1978, Norman Foster's Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts at the University of East Anglia was often described as a "silver shed" because of its aluminum skin. 诺曼•福斯特设计的东安格利亚大学的塞恩斯伯里视觉艺术中心于1978年开始投入使用,它经常因为铝合金的表皮而被称为“银色大棚”(见图6-8)。
102362 When it rained within a few days of the family moving in, young Roger Savoye's bedroom was inundated. 住户搬进来后连续几天都阴雨连绵,小罗杰·萨伏伊的卧室都被淹了。
102363 When it rained, the pitter-patter of water sounded overhead, but the glass revealed nothing of the clouds from which the raindrops fell. 下雨的时候,滴滴答答的水声从头顶传来,而磨砂玻璃却隔绝了落雨的乌云。
102364 When it was a question of some benefit for them, he proudly replied, 'He is a man I never see.' 当某人有求于他时,他会傲慢地回答:"我从未见过此人。"
102365 When it was announced that Stern would be the architect of the George W. Bush presidential library on the SMU campus, it was widely assumed that he would continue that tradition. 当斯特恩担任南方卫理公会大学的乔治•W.布什总统图书馆的建筑师时,人们普遍认为他将继续使用校园中传统的红砖建筑语言。
102366 When it was completed in 1831, the price tag was 252,000 taels, 121,700 more than the initial estimation (Huang Jiangtai 1986, 4:18-22; Shu Mu 1984, 373). 当慎德堂于1831年完工时,总工程费用是252000两白银,比原来估计的多出121700两白银。
102367 When it was completed in 1831, the price tag was 252,000 taels, 121,700 more than the initial estimation (Huang Jiangtai 1986, 4:18–22; Shu Mu 1984, 373). 当慎德堂于1831年完工时,总工程费用是252000两白银,比原来估计的多出121700两白银。