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102348 When it came to the most revolutionary housing concept of them all, the Garden City movement, the first directors of the Garden City Association were Lever and the Quaker cocoa refiners Joseph Rowntree and Edward Cadbury, who had also set up model villages to house their workers. 说到花园城市运动最革命性的建筑概念,城市花园协会的第一任领导者是利华、桂格可可提炼厂的约瑟夫·朗特里和爱德华·吉百利,他们建造了供员工居住的示范性村庄。
102349 When it came to the pharaohs, the most important people of all in a ferociously hierarchical society, there was no question of oblivion. 法老——这样等级森严的社会里最重要的人,毫无疑问将会得到赦免。
102350 When it came to the plans, I thought a lot about the way Lutyens in London had fitted his great Midlands Bank building onto an awkwardly shaped City site. 当我开始设计平面时,想到了埃德温•勒琴斯将米特兰银行大楼建在一个形状非常尴尬的城市场地内的方式。
102351 When it came to the point at which a decision had to be made as to whose city this was, the two fought for it, and of course Athena won, which is why the city is called after her. 当要决定这座城市究竟应该属于谁时,两位神打了起来,结果当然是雅典娜获得了胜利,这也是雅典城得名的原因。
102352 When it comes to architectural styles, the Modern Age is a roller-coaster ride of movements and counter-movements. 就建筑风格而论,当今时代像过山车的运行和逆向运行。
102353 When it comes to building high, supremacy can be shortlived. 至于建筑的高度,短期之内还无人能及。
102354 When it comes to excavated ground, dreams have no limit. 在被挖掘的土地里,幻想无拘无束。
102355 When it comes to gerund-grinders chanting verse, or a bookworm filling in a poem to a stylized tune, his composition is bound to lack ingenuity and resonance, let alone sublimity of mood. 至于学究咏诗,经生填词,了无性灵,遑论境界。
102356 When it comes to how we perceive the built environment, every one of us, even a professional, is more or less blindsighted: mostly oblivious to how our brains process the places we inhabit, all but completely unaware of how we integrate that information into our experiences, and largely clueless about how it orients our movements, affects our cognitions, our emotions, and our choices. Yet there's a difference. 说到如何去感知建成环境,我们每个人甚至专业人员,或多或少都有些盲视:大多不注意大脑如何加工关于我们栖息之地的信息,几乎完全不知道我们如何将这些信息整合到体验里,基本上不了解这些信息如何为我们的动作指明方向,如何影响我们的认知、情绪和选择。
102357 When it comes to the inclusion of nature in cities, political will emerges as a determining factor: many of the cities containing 35 percent or more green space are located in countries where the government takes a strong hand in managing public resources and is devoted to the public welfare: London, Singapore, Stockholm, and Sydney. 18说到如何把自然纳入城市,政治会成为决定因素--伦敦、斯德哥尔摩、悉尼等有35%或以上绿色空间的城市,许多在那种政府采取强硬手段管理公共资源且致力于为民众造福的国家。