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102258 |
When determining the injury caused by dumping to a domestic industry, the determination shall be based on positive evidence, and the injuries caused by factors other than dumping must not be attributed to dumping. |
在确定倾销对国内产业造成的损害时, 应当依据肯定性证据, 不得将造成损害的非倾销因素归因于倾销。 |
102259 |
When developers looked to transform a 1960s hotel into a high-end apartment building, their architects wanted to save as much of the building as possible while still upgrading its performance and overall image. |
当开发商考虑将一座20世纪60年代的旅馆改建成一栋高端公寓楼时,他们的建筑师希望能最大限度地保留原建筑的同时对其性能和总体形象进行升级。 |
102260 |
When diminutive panes are clasped within heavy, unapologetically broad mountings, we are likely to feel some of the same discomfort as when too many words are being employed to say too little. |
如果窄小的窗玻璃挤在厚重宽大得过分的框子里,我们就会觉得很不舒服,这就跟长篇大论却言之无物一样讨厌。 |
102261 |
When dirty, these were not cleared out and replaced but were simply covered with fresh material, leaving a thick mat of dirty and decaying vegetable matter. Finds of lost possessions, including objects as large as shoes, are common, which reinforce the sense of dimly lit and crowded barracks, rife with insects and other vermin, especially in the summer months. |
文德兰达的营房地板上铺有一层层灯芯草、石楠和稻草,一旦用脏,罗马人并不会将它们清理干净或是重新铺设,而只会简单地在上面盖一层新鲜材料,所以最终地上积下了一层又厚又脏又烂的植物垫,加上里面经常能发掘出一些被遗失的物品,包括鞋子之类的大物件,所以更给人一种房间里又挤又暗、遍地害虫的印象,夏季尤其如此。 |
102262 |
When do you need this, how do you need it, and in what form?" |
需要我在什么时候,以哪种形式,用什么方式来提供这些贡献?” |
102263 |
When drawing a Business License of Enterprise Legal Person, the fee of establishment registration shall be paid at one thousandth of the registered capital; Where the registered capital exceeds RMB ten million, the fee for the exceeded part shall be paid at point five thousandth of it; Where the registered capital exceeds RMB one hundred million, the fee for the exceeded part does not need to be paid. |
领取《企业法人营业执照》的, 设立登记费按注册资本总额的千分之一缴纳; 注册资本超过1000万元的, 超过部分按千分之零点五缴纳; 注册资本超过1亿元的, 超过部分不再缴纳。 |
102264 |
When drawing a Business License, the fee of establishment registration is RMB 300. |
领取《营业执照》的, 设立登记费为300元。 |
102265 |
When drawing a tree, the painter is absolutely right to make sure that none of the lines he draws is straight. |
画家讲画树,要无一笔不曲,斯理至当。 |
102266 |
When dusk falls, blaring horns bring in cold. Fearing to attract an enquirer, I swallow down tears under joyful cover. |
角声寒,夜阑珊,怕人寻问,咽泪装欢。 |
102267 |
When dusk fell, the dreary sound of bugles rose, reverberating around the deserted city. The Grand Canal was silted up and no longer navigable during the Southern Song-Jin period (1127-1234), and waterway transportation gave way to offshore marine shipping by the early Yuan. |
同时宋金时期,运河已经阻塞,至元初漕运不得不改换海道,扬州的经济就不如过去繁荣了。 |