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102158 |
When Wright first visited the forested site, Edgar J. Kaufmann showed him his favorite spot, a huge boulder on which he sunned himself after swimming in a pool beneath a waterfall. |
当赖特第一次参观树木丛生的场地时,埃德加•J.考夫曼给他展示了自己最喜欢的地方:一块巨石,这是考夫曼每次在瀑布下的水池里游过泳后将自己晾干的地方。 |
102159 |
When Wu Wenxi (1800-1870) acquired the garden in 1858, the eighth year of the Xianfeng reign (1851-1861), he called it "Hibernation Garden." |
旋入两淮盐运使乔松年(鹤侪)手,遂以乔园名。 |
102160 |
When Xianfeng read the new agreement, however, he was so upset that he rejected it out of hand. |
可是,当咸丰看到新的协议时,相当震怒,完全不能接受。 |
102161 |
When Zhou Jixiang died, monks in Daciren Temple built two pagodas for him: one in Fangshan District and one in Haidian District. |
周吉祥去世后,大慈仁寺的僧徒在房山和海淀分别为周吉祥建塔各一座。 |
102162 |
When Zhu Di was still the prince of Yan, Ma He played an important role in attacking and finally seizing Beijing. So after Zhu Di seized the throne, he granted "Zheng" to be Ma's surname. |
因他在燕王朱棣攻取北京的过程中立下大功,所以朱棣在夺取皇位之后,就赐“郑”作为他的姓氏。 |
102163 |
When Zhu Wen (a military commissioner who made Emperor Zhaozong of the Tang dynasty abdicate in 907 and became the first emperor of the Later Liang) forced the Emperor Zhaozong of the Tang dynasty to move its capital from Chang'an to Luoyang and ordered to demolish the city, Chang'an finally lost its status as the capital. |
唐朝末年,长安城遭到了严重的破坏,朱温拆毁了长安城,从此长安便失去了国都的地位。 |
102164 |
When Zhudi became the emperor, he was granted as monk officials and presided over the Qingshou Temple. |
朱棣即位后,封其为僧录司左善世,庆寿寺钦命住持。 |
102165 |
When a building's surfaces advertise the traces of their construction, they elicit our palpable, intersensory engagement in another way as well: by offering us opportunities to mentally simulate the process of their making. |
建筑的表面凸显建筑的施工痕迹时,还以另一种方式引发我们明显的多感官感应,通过提供机会,让我们在心理上模拟其制作过程。 |
102166 |
When a casket is closed, it is returned to the general community of objects; it takes its place in exterior space. |
当小箱子关闭的时候,它回到对象的共同体中;它在外部空间中找到自己的位置。 |
102167 |
When a casual visitor who comes to Peking for the first time, after passing through streets lined with buildings on both sides and comes suddenly to the head of a bridge, he is brought, most unexpectedly, face to face with a vast stretch of water surface, lined with such informal shorelines, and, on the slopes of the island-hill, such wooded shades of evergreens. |
初次造访北京城的游客穿过两侧建筑林立的街道时,突然走到了一个桥头,与他不期而遇的,是一片河岸蜿蜒的广阔水域,以及水域当中小岛斜坡上成片的绿荫。 |