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102058 |
When Dashwood ousted Temple as Lord Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire, he remodelled his lake in the shape of a swan – the county emblem. |
当职位为白金汉郡郡长的坦普尔下台时,达西武德重新调整了湖的形状,变成了天鹅状——郡的象征。 |
102059 |
When Douglas Cardinal was commissioned to design the National Museum of the American Indian, he, too, opted for novelty: "I wanted to make sure that the building was not just a continuation of the Greco-Roman style in Washington." |
当道格拉斯•卡迪纳尔(Douglas Cardinal)被委托设计美国印第安人国家博物馆时,他也选择了另辟蹊径:“我不想将这座博物馆设计成在华盛顿的又一座希腊罗马风格的建筑。” |
102060 |
When Eero Saarinen planned Washington's Dulles International Airport in the early 1960s, he designed a building that could be extended at either end. |
20世纪60年代初期,当埃罗•沙里宁在规划华盛顿的杜勒斯国际机场时,就设计了一栋可以向任意一端延伸的建筑。 |
102061 |
When Emperor Hui started to cut subjugate states, he advised Zhudi revolted and organized a military action "Jingnan Battle". |
惠帝削藩,他劝朱棣起兵,并为其筹划军事,策划并参与“靖难之役”, |
102062 |
When Emperor T'ai-tsu, founder of the Sung Dynasty, came to Chengting during one of his campaigns, he enquired after the famous bronze statue there which was said to be forty feet high. |
宋朝的开国之君太祖皇帝在一次征战中驾临正定,欲拜谒此处著名的铜像,据说该像高达四十英尺。 |
102063 |
When Fallingwater was completed, it must have seemed perfect, a finished work of art. Yet only three years after it was designed, with more visitors coming to the increasingly celebrated house, the Kaufmanns asked Wright to add a guesthouse, rooms for more servants, and a four-car carport. |
流水别墅刚刚建成时,被视为一件已经完成的、完美的艺术作品。但是,在短短三年之后,随着越来越多的游客来到这栋出名的住宅,考夫曼一家便要求赖特增加一个客房、一些仆人房和一个可以容纳四辆车的车库。 |
102064 |
When France and its allies defeated Germany in the First World War, the government insisted - in a second flashbulb moment - that the peace treaty of 1919 should be signed in the same location. |
当法国及盟友在第一次世界大战中击败德国后,其政府毫不妥协地坚持,1919年的和平条约应在与当年相同的地点签署。 |
102065 |
When Frank Gehry was obliged to abandon limestone as the skin of Disney Hall, he did not shift to limestone-colored concrete or artificial stone, but to an entirely different material—stainless steel. |
当弗兰克•盖里被迫放弃使用石灰石作为迪士尼音乐厅的表皮时,他并没有使用石灰石颜色的混凝土或者人造石,而是换成了一种截然不同的材料——不锈钢。 |
102066 |
When Gehry was seventeen and living in Toronto, he heard a talk by Alvar Aalto, and years later made a pilgrimage to the Finn's office in Helsinki. |
盖里17岁的时候居住在多伦多,他当时听了阿尔瓦尔•阿尔托的一个演讲,于是在几年后就去朝圣了阿尔托在芬兰赫尔辛基的办公室。 |
102067 |
When General Eisenhower was elected president, his predecessor, Harry S. Truman, said: "Poor Ike; when he was a general, he gave an order and it was carried out. |
艾森豪威尔当选美国总统时,他的前任杜鲁门总统曾说:“可怜的艾克,他是军人,下达命令后必有人执行; |