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102028 Whatever the material, good painting makes it more precious; nor can it ever be said to deceive respecting the ground of which it gives us no information. 无论什么材料,好的绘画使得它更加珍贵,也永远不会有人说它在用料方面进行欺骗,因此它并没有为我们提供任何有关的信息。
102029 Whatever the merits or demerits of particular turbine designs, these machines seem to bring out an almost visceral loathing in some rural communities, perhaps because they are regarded as alien impositions which only benefit distant cities. 无论特定涡轮的设计有什么优缺点,在某些乡村地区,这些机器仿佛引发了一种几乎是发自内心的厌恶,这大概是因为人们将其看作外人强加给他们的负担,只对遥远的城市有利。
102030 Whatever the personal views of individual landscape architects, it is clear that the practice of landscape architecture, taken as a whole, is more of the managerial kind. 无论景观设计师的个人观点如何,很明显的是,作为一个整体,景观设计学的实践更像是管理类活动。
102031 Whatever the precise details of the process, formal rule of Britain by the Western Roman Empire ceased early in the fifth century. 无论其间具体细节如何,公元5世纪初,西罗马帝国对不列颠的官方统治结束了。
102032 Whatever the reason - whether it is the absence of or the barrier of class and authority between superior and subordinate in knowledge work, or whether he simply takes himself more seriously - the knowledge worker makes much greater time demands than the manual worker on his superior as well as on his associates. 不管出于什么原因,不管在知识工作者中有没有等级与权力隔阂,不管他们是不是把自己看得过分重要,知识工作者对其上级主管及同事所要求的时间,往往比体力工作者多得多。
102033 Whatever the reason, Sophia is sagging at the stays. 无论原因是什么,圣索菲亚大教堂正逐渐下沉。
102034 Whatever the task, we expect that it will be done more speedily and with less human effort. 无论是什么任务,我们预料它能够完成得更快、更省力。
102035 Whatever their origins, they are more likely to have acted like the war bands of tribal noblemen than units of a formal army. 无论后来者出身如何,比起正规军单位,他们可能更接近部落贵族的战团。
102036 Whatever they did, they did as efficiently as possible. VINCE LEE (CONT’D): 无论他们做什么,都要尽可能讲求效率。
102037 Whatever your particular childhood memory, you in your body and you in a specific place are the glue that binds together your sensory impressions, your thoughts, your emotions, and the meaning of all of it for you as a person, then and now. 无论你的童年记忆如何,在你的身体里的你、处于某个地方的你,都是一种黏合剂,会与你的感觉印象、思维和情绪,以及这一切对你作为一个人的意义发生联系,无论何时何地。