ID 原文 译文
102018 What, then, are we to make of it? 那么我们又该如何理解这座建筑呢?
102019 What, then, was Henri Bosco's literary problem in his description of the ultra-cellar? 那么,亨利o博斯科对超深地窖的描写中的文学问题是什么?
102020 Whatever harmonies there may be, are distinctly like those of two separate musical parts, coinciding here and there only-never discordant, but essentially different I hold this, then, for the first great principle of architectural color. 不管有什么样的和谐,这种和谐很显然就像两首独立的乐曲达成的和谐一样,仅仅偶然相同--尽管从未不和谐,但是却有着本质的不同。我认为这就是建筑色彩的首要原则。
102021 Whatever his strength it should have a chance to find full play. 尽管一位新人的能力不高,但他出任一项职位后,应该使他能有发展的机会。
102022 Whatever method is adopted, project management will play a key role in the efficient execution of construction projects. 无论采用哪一种方式,项目管理在工程项目的高效实施中将起到非常重要的作用。
102023 Whatever military threat existed—or was perceived by the Romans—can only be conjectured by looking at the methods they used to deal with it. 无论那里曾经存在,或者说罗马人曾经认为存在怎样的军事威胁,我们都只能通过观察他们的应对措施来推测。
102024 Whatever the answer, Speer certainly came under Hitler's spell. 不论答案是什么,斯佩尔肯定是受了希特勒蛊惑。
102025 Whatever the commodity, we expect it to be with us quicker than was possible a hundred years ago, or ten years ago. 无论是什么商品,我们预料它以比100年前或10年前更快的速度进入我们的生活。
102026 Whatever the failings of taste and the collateral damage wrought by the historical galleries, Louis-Philippe had nonetheless supplied Versailles with a new vocation. 无论历史画廊在品位上多么失败,且带来了多少附加伤害,路易-菲利普还是为凡尔赛宫找到了新的定位。
102027 Whatever the inspiration, the curved handrail—a little impulsive aside—emphatically signals one's arrival to the museum's galleries. 不管灵感来自哪里,这个卷曲的扶手都会给每一个到达画廊的人留下深刻的印象,虽然在我看来这有点突兀。