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101977 What we do know, though... CHARLES HIGHAM (CONT'D): 然而,我们所知道的是…
101978 What we do need to know are the strengths of a man and what he can do. 我们想知道的,是他有什么优点,他能做些什么。
101979 What we experience when we encounter buildings is felt spontaneously, but it is filtered through the culture that we have acquired on our journey to that encounter, and we will have acquired some of that culture deliberately, some of it by chance. 当我们遇到建筑时,我们的感受是自然流露的,但是,这种感受经过了文化的过滤。这种文化是在前往这些建筑的所在地的旅程中习得的,其中一部分是刻意学习的结果,一部分则是无意中习得的。
101980 What we have left are the ceremonial buildings, the ruins of the great central temple known as Qasr el-Bint and more than 500 princely grand façades, hewn out of the cliffs. 遗留给我们的都是仪式性的建筑,位于瓦迪穆萨的伟大的中央寺庙的遗迹,还有500多堵宏伟的王室宫殿外墙,都是从悬崖峭壁里雕凿出来的。
101981 What we have ourselves built, we are at liberty to throw down; but what other men gave their strength, and wealth, and life to accomplish, their right over does not pass away with their death; still less is the right to the use of what they have left vested in us only. 我们自己建造的东西,我们可以随便毁掉,但是其他人花费气力、花费钱财、耗费生命所完成的东西,其权利不应随这些人离世而消失:使用他们留下的东西的权利更不仅仅属于我们。
101982 What we know about the structure of human memory, learning, and the relation of emotions to cognitions has been utterly transformed. 我们有关人类记忆结构、学习、情绪与认知关系的认识,彻底转变了。
101983 What we lose sight of in this particular narrative is the fact that, at a given time, it is likely that few buildings will be technically advanced. 如果以这种方式来描述建筑史,我们会忽略一个事实,那就是在某个特定的时期,可能很难有几座建筑能够在技术方面算得上领先。
101984 What we need to do is to make full use of all the new concerning materials we have so far grasped, and to make further investigations on the origin of the city of Ji and its characteristics. 现在极需要做的是利用到目前为止我们所能掌握的新材料,对蓟城的起源和城址的特点,再作些进一步的探讨。
101985 What we now know about how natural and social environments affect people suggests that for the design of our landscapes, urban areas, and buildings, some orienting guidelines will help prevent easily avoidable mistakes, promote design that better satisfies people's needs, and promote human well-being. 我们现在有关自然环境和社会环境如何影响人们的知识表明,景观、城区、建筑的设计,如果遵循一些指导方针,就可以防止那些可以轻易避免的错误,更好地满足人们的需求,促进人类的幸福。
101986 What we search for in a work of architecture is not in the end so far from what we search for in a friend. 归根结底,我们在一件建筑作品中找寻的跟我们在一个朋友身上找寻的东西并无太大不同。