ID 原文 译文
101967 What was more, the new city would not merely have parks; it would itself be a vast park, with large towers dotted among the trees. 而且,这个新型城市不单单是拥有公园,它本身就是个巨大的公园,巨大的高楼不过点缀在绿树之间。
101968 What was new about this pattern of royal displacement was the amount of time he spent at smaller ch? teaux and other residences, where he shut himself off from public view and from the company of more than a handful of courtiers. 这种王室巡行模式的新奇之处在于,路易十五在较小的城堡和其他住所里待了很长时间,因为在那些地方他可以远离公众视野,只让少数廷臣随侍左右。
101969 What was presented as a small technical modification drastically alters the project, for, as one commissioner observed, while the architect's renderings showed a building that glimmered and sparkled in the light, the sample of the painted aluminum did not appear to have these qualities. 这个小小的技术上的调整彻底改变了最后的结果。正如一位委员所观察到的,设计师的效果图上的建筑在阳光下是闪着光的,但是被漆成青铜色的铝却没有这样的属性。
101970 What was required of the school children of my age was to learn by rote all the books you could lay your hand on, practice calligraphy with a writing brush, and nothing else. 当时孩子的读书任务,说得简单点,就是背书、写字。
101971 What was royal life like in the imperial garden? 到底皇室在圆明园里过着什么样的日子呢?
101972 What was so special about this particular shrine? 这座神殿的特别之处是什么呢?
101973 What was the punishment when rules were violated or crimes committed? 当园里的秩序遭到破坏或发生罪行的时候,将怎么处置?
101974 What was the purpose of Petra’s finest megastructure, the Khazneh? NARRATOR (V/O): 那么佩特拉古城最优秀的大型建筑—卡兹尼宫殿的作用到底是什么呢?
101975 What was this for? 这是用来做什么的?
101976 What was to be done with an institution created by the monarchy to serve and glorify the interests of monarchy? 应该如何处理一个由君主制创立、旨在服务并美化这种制度的机构?