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101837 |
What is more, I hope to remain a personal friend of yours, since our relationship has always been based on one of trust. |
而且,我希望能够跟您的家庭保持私人友谊,因为我们的关系始终建立在信任的基础之上。 |
101838 |
What is more, consistency between plants and buildings must be adjusted to the point where their styles and colors can complement each other. |
更须注意它与建筑物的式样、颜色的衬托,是否已做到“好花须映好楼台”的效果。 |
101839 |
What is more, in the future most people are going to live in cities. |
更重要的是,在未来,大部分人会居住在城市中。 |
101840 |
What is more, the choice of trees must tally with the "personality" of a particular scenic spot. A tree species chosen properly can easily become the landmark of a certain place. |
此树喜水,培养亦易,是绿化中最易见效的植物。 |
101841 |
What is more, the construction of water powerplant is often associated with comprehensive utilization of rivers, resulting in significant advantages to national economy. |
更重要的是,水力发电站的施工经常与河流的综合利用联系在一起,因此对国民经济的发展有重要意义。 |
101842 |
What is more, to turn them into something of benefit to society, they had to be remade. |
更重要的是,要想将这些场地转变成对社会有益的作品,就必须对其重塑。 |
101843 |
What is most remarkable about these buildings is that they were erected at a time when the princes of continental Europe were building increasingly elaborate Baroque palaces, whereas in England the greatest Baroque flourishes were still in the future - St Paul's Cathedral by Sir Christopher Wren, for example was not conceived until towards the end of the 17th century, after the Restoration of the monarchy had brought splendour back on to the agenda, and the Great Fire of London had cleared the ground. |
这些建筑最不寻常之处是它们的建造时期,那时欧洲大陆的王公贵族们正忙于建造越来越精美的巴洛克宫殿,而在英格兰,巴洛克风格最为繁盛的时期还没有到来--例如,由克里斯托弗·雷恩爵士〔12〕(Sir Christopher Wren)设计的圣保罗大教堂直到17世纪末才构思出来,这已经是君主制复辟以后重又追求壮丽繁华以及伦敦大火将一切扫荡殆尽之后的事情了。(〔12〕克里斯托弗·雷恩(1632-1723),英国建筑师,曾为伦敦设计过50多座教堂建筑,最为著名者是圣保罗大教堂(1675-1710),此外还设计了牛津谢尔顿剧院(1664-1669)和剑桥三一学院图书馆(1676-1684)等建筑。) |
101844 |
What is needed in knowledge work is not this or that particular skill, but a configuration, and this will be revealed only by the test of performance. |
这是因为对于知识工作,需要的并非这种技能或那种技能,最多只能大概描述出一个轮廓。因此,知识工作者是否适合某一职位,便只有靠实际的工作绩效才能印证了。 |
101845 |
What is needed is the right strategy rather than razzle-dazzle tactics. |
他们需要的是正确的战略,而不是令人眼花缭乱的战术。 |
101846 |
What is not in dispute is that over time, Roman law was replaced by Germanic law, the Latin language by Anglo-Saxon, Christianity by a Germanic form of paganism, and the kingdoms that emerged in the post-Roman period replaced by new ones ruled by Anglo-Saxon dynasties that centuries later would combine to form England. |
但有一点毫无争议,随着时间的推移,罗马律法被日耳曼律法取代,拉丁语被盎格鲁-撒克逊语取代,基督教被日耳曼宗教取代,后罗马时代崛起的王国也被盎格鲁-撒克逊王朝统治的新王国取代,这些新国家在几个世纪后会融合成英格兰。 |