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101817 |
What in the past had been a highly specialized function, discharged by a small and usually clearly defined organ - with the rest adapting within a mold of custom and usage - is rapidly becoming a normal if not an everyday task of every single unit in this new social institution, the large-scale knowledge organization. |
从前,决策只是高度专业性的职能,只由极少数几位责任分明的人物承担——其他人只是贯彻执行。在今天新的社会机构和大规模的知识组织中,几乎每一个单位都得承担决策了,虽然不能说这是他们每天必有的任务,至少也已成为他们的正常任务了。 |
101818 |
What information does a photograph actually offer about a building or space? Not much. |
那么照片可以提供有关建筑或空间的什么信息? |
101819 |
What is Traffic Engineering Traffic Engineering is still a relatively new discipline within the overall bounds of civil engineering. |
交通工程学在整个土木工程领域内还是一个相当新的学科。 |
101820 |
What is a beautiful building? |
什么样的建筑是美的? |
101821 |
What is almost certain is that the early Britons who built Stonehenge over a period of 1,000 years or so were communing not with the dead, as in Egypt, but with the sun and the moon. |
几乎可以确定的是,那些早期修建巨石柱长达1000年左右的英国人,并非像埃及一样与死者交流,而是与日月交谈。 |
101822 |
What is being developed here, in other words, is leadership - not the leadership of brilliance and genius, to be sure, but the much more modest yet more enduring leadership of dedication, determination, and serious purpose. |
换句话说,这一章的主题是“领导力”,但所谓“领导力”,并不是指智慧和天赋,而是指人人皆可达成的专心、决心和目标。 |
101823 |
What is being recorded and analyzed is no longer what happens to us but what we should try to make happen in the environment around us. |
在这一章里,记录和分析的对象不是“管理者周围所发生的事情”,而是“管理者应该努力促成的事情”。 |
101824 |
What is certainly true is that Harford took great interest in every aspect of the village for his old retainers, even writing to Nash to query details about the placing of coppers and ovens in the kitchens. |
哈福德对每一座他为自己的老员工们打造的乡村小屋都表现出极大的兴趣,甚至写信给纳什咨询一些细节问题,比如铜线的设置和厨房里烤箱的位置。这点毋庸置疑是真实的。 |
101825 |
What is contract A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties to exchange something of value. |
合同是一份两方或多方之间交换有价值事物的具有法律约束力的协议。 |
101826 |
What is done by the Venetian architect, with a power as irresistible as that of the waves of his surrounding sea, is done by the masters of the Cis-Alpine Gothic, more timidly, and with a manner somewhat cramped and cold, but not less expressing their assent to the same great law. |
威尼斯建筑师利用和周围大海中的巨浪一般不可抗拒的力量所做的努力,阿尔卑斯山一带的哥特式建筑大师也在做,只不过缺少些自信,在方式上受到些约束,有些冷淡,但是在遵守同一条伟大法则方面却毫不逊色。 |