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101707 |
Westward from here stood the Peacock Cage (Yangque Long), or the aviary for peacocks and exotic birds. |
从这里往西建造了养雀笼,以饲养孔雀和外国珍禽。 |
101708 |
Westward from the academy was the Gentle Clouds Cover All (Ciyun Puhu). With the unique Bell Tower (Zhong Lou) at its back and slightly to the west, the three-column-wide main front court named the Happy Buddhist Ground (Huanxi Fochang) faced the Rear Lake to the south. |
从"碧桐书院"往西走就是"慈云普护",在它后方是独一无二的钟楼,再稍微往西一点,是一座三楹宽的主前院叫做"欢喜佛场",面对后湖并朝向南方。 |
101709 |
Westward from the academy was the Gentle Clouds Cover All (Ciyun Puhu). With the unique Bell Tower (Zhong Lou) at its back and slightly to the west, the three-column-wide main front court named the Happy Buddhist Ground (Huanxi Fochang) faced the Rear Lake to the south. |
从“碧桐书院”往西走就是“慈云普护”,在它后方是独一无二的钟楼,再稍微往西一点,是一座三楹宽的主前院叫做“欢喜佛场”,面对后湖并朝向南方。 |
101710 |
We—the passengers—had to help push the old buggy the entire width of the riverbed, while the engine roared and the rear wheels turned frantically, only to blow the sand right into our eyes and noses. |
我们这些旅客只得帮着把这辆老破车推过整个河床,同时引擎轰鸣,后轮疯转,把细河沙掀得我们满眼满鼻。 |
101711 |
雪橇小屋,新西兰旺格普阿。克罗松•克拉克•卡尔纳什纳建筑事务所 |
101712 |
Wharton and Codman acknowledged the "vagaries of taste," but believed that taste in décor was not a matter of personal feeling, as it was in painting or music. |
华顿和科德曼并不否认“品位的变幻莫测”,但是同时深信,建筑装饰中的品位与个人的感受无关,就像绘画和音乐一样。 |
101713 |
Wharton practiced what she preached in her celebrated home, The Mount, built under her direction, and whose rooms she and Codman decorated. |
华顿在自己著名的山峰庄园(The Mount)中实践了她书中所宣扬的那些观点(见图10-1)。这个庄园是在她自己的指导下建造的,并由华顿和科德曼共同设计了室内的装潢。 |
101714 |
Wharves, Piers |
码头,凸式码头 |
101715 |
What "complexes" are attached to an ornamented lock! |
一把装饰漂亮的锁里有着怎样的"情结"! |
101716 |
What Beaubourg needed was not so much a lofty palace of art, but a forum for public life, for the day-to-day meetings of people that animate cities, for rendezvous between friends and lovers, for spontaneous performance and demonstration, for parents to bring their children to play, for anyone to sit and watch the theatre of city life unfold. |
与其说蓬皮杜需要一个崇高的艺术宫殿,不如说它更需要一个公共生活场所:它可供人们日常会面,为城市带来活力,供朋友和情人在这里约会,供举行自发的表演与游行,供父母带孩子前来嬉戏,供任何人坐在这里闲看城市的日常生活。 |