ID 原文 译文
101666 Weng implicitly and subtly told how the prince ate humble pie; the European officers who witnessed the episode were far more explicit in their accounts about Elgin's arrogant attitude and frigid manner (cf. Bao Chengguan 1980, 75-76). 翁同含蓄又巧妙地述说了恭亲王如何地忍气吞声;那些目睹这一幕的欧洲军官对额尔金的傲慢自大和冷漠的描述就直白得多了。
101667 Weng implicitly and subtly told how the prince ate humble pie; the European officers who witnessed the episode were far more explicit in their accounts about Elgin’s arrogant attitude and frigid manner (cf. Bao Chengguan 1980, 75–76). 翁同含蓄又巧妙地述说了恭亲王如何地忍气吞声;那些目睹这一幕的欧洲军官对额尔金的傲慢自大和冷漠的描述就直白得多了。
101668 Weng, which he renamed the Longevity Hills. He also redirected water from the Jade Spring Hill to fill the West Lake (which had been renamed the Kunming Lake) to create a subsidiary garden called the Pure Ripple Garden (Qingyi Yuan) (Cai Shenzhi n.d., 127; cf. 1750年,乾隆为了对母后六十大寿表示心意,就在瓮山建造了寿寺,后来他又把瓮山改名为万寿山,并且引玉泉山的水灌注西湖(后来这个湖被改名为昆明湖),以营造名为"清漪园"的附属园林。
101669 Weng, which he renamed the Longevity Hills. He also redirected water from the Jade Spring Hill to fill the West Lake (which had been renamed the Kunming Lake) to create a subsidiary garden called the Pure Ripple Garden (Qingyi Yuan) (Cai Shenzhi n.d., 127; cf. 1750年,乾隆为了对母后六十大寿表示心意,就在瓮山建造了寿寺,后来他又把瓮山改名为万寿山,并且引玉泉山的水灌注西湖(后来这个湖被改名为昆明湖),以营造名为“清漪园”的附属园林。
101670 Wenzel Anton 文策尔o安东
101671 Wenzel Anton, prince von Kaunitz-Rietberg, was Austrian empress Maria Theresa's ambassador to France in 1751-2, before becoming Austrian Chancellor and negotiating the Franco-Austrian treaty of alliance in 1756. 文策尔o安东,即冯o考尼茨-里特贝格亲王,在1751-1752年担任奥地利大公玛丽亚o特蕾莎的驻法大使,后成为奥地利国务大臣。在其斡旋下,法、奥两国于1756年签署了盟约。
101672 Were concrete, glass and steel 'honest' enough materials really enough in themselves? 混凝土,玻璃和钢筋——这些真材实料,真的物有所值吗?
101673 Were iron railings always painted black? 铁铸栏杆一直是黑色的吗?
101674 Were it not for his patron, the writer and nobleman Giangiorgio Trissino, Palladio might simply have remained a highly capable and intelligent craftsman. 如若不是他的赞助人(贵族作家吉安·乔治·特里西诺),帕拉第奥可能只是一个聪明能干的工匠。
101675 Were the only options for all London to be preserved intact, or to be systematically demolished to allow for its wholesale replacement on a street-by-street basis? 难道伦敦所有建筑的唯一选择就是被完好无损地保存,或全部被系统地拆除,然后一条街一条街地批量重建?