ID 原文 译文
101626 Wedged in a window seat, unable to sleep, with the Arctic Circle shining a luminous green outside, I turned to a book entitled The Pleasures of Japanese Literature (1988) by the American scholar of Japan, Donald Keene. 我因为被嵌在一个靠窗的位置,没办法睡觉,窗外的北极圈又闪烁着一种明亮的绿色,所以只得转而阅读一本由美国日本文学专家唐纳德·基恩写的书:《日本文学的乐趣》(1988)。
101627 Weeping willows are all but extinct in south Jiangsu gardens built in later periods, but they are often found thriving in Yangzhou gardens with distinct local characteristics: tall and sturdy on trunks whose lower part is never oversized, their twigs so slender and well-scattered as to exude picturesque flavor—all of them are totally domesticated in Yangzhou. 苏南后期园林中,杨柳几乎绝迹,然在扬州园林中却常能见到,且更具有强烈的地方色彩。因为此地的杨柳,在外形上高劲,枝条疏修,颇多画意,下部的体形也不大,植于园中没有不调和的感觉。
101628 Wei Cigeng 魏次庚
101629 Wei Zhuang 韦庄
101630 Wei's Garden 尉氏之园
101631 Wei's Mansion 魏宅
101632 Wei's Mansion on Invincible Street. The former residence of the salt merchant Wei Cigeng is a medium-sized structure with its front gate facing west. 魏宅(盐商魏次庚宅)在永胜街,属中型住宅,大门西向,总体为不规则的平面。
101633 Weighing 850 tons, it’s way too much for a timber dome to support. 顶塔重达850吨,远非木质圆顶所能支撑。
101634 Weight of visitor numbers has caused deterioration in some furnishings and some parts of the gardens, while having the fountains play much more frequently than in the past has caused damage to the statuary on some installations. 庞大的游客数量也导致一些家具和部分园林遭受破坏,同时,远比过去频繁的喷泉表演使部分设施上的雕塑受损。
101635 Welcome to China (Shanghai, Nanjing, Anhui). 请问你叫什么名字?欢迎你来中国(上海、南京、安徽)。