ID 原文 译文
101606 We would push the door that creaks with the same gesture, we would find our way in the dark to the distant attic. 我们仍然会推开那扇总是咿呀作响的门,我们仍然会摸黑走进高高在上的阁楼。
101607 We would rush off on our bikes to hunt for shrapnel on bombsites. 我们还会骑着自行车去寻找炸弹的碎片。
101608 We would still often be in a bad mood: 我们仍经常难免精神沮丧:
101609 We would therefore be reduced to trying to spot people with high potential of effectiveness early and to train them as best we know to develop their talent. 于是我们不得不及早发掘潜在的有效人士,培养他们,让他们发挥自己的才干。
101610 We'll have to take this one to the arbitration court". 当时我方损失严重.提出的索赔在各方面都有破绽,开始时我们只期望得到索赔的10%,实际上来却得到了85%。
101611 We'll have to take this one to the arbitration court". 我们还是将此提交仲裁庭决定吧。”
101612 We're not exactly sure what happened, but we think it was a problem with not adequately backfilling behind the vault. 詹姆斯·坎贝尔:我们不能确定是怎么回事,但我们认为问题应该在于拱顶后面没有充分回填。
101613 We're set for impasse and escalation. 我们还是将此提交仲裁庭决定吧。”
101614 We're set for impasse and escalation. 我们陷入一种僵局难破和冲突逐步升级的状态中。
101615 We've only got to look at each society's idea of the perfect home to be able to read social patterns through history. 我们只需要看每个社会年代对于完美的家的想法就能读懂贯穿历史的社会模式。