ID 原文 译文
101566 We were taken aback. 我们吃了一惊。"
101567 We were tied up with Lloyd's at the time, so we agreed that Marco Goldschmied, one of the three partners at the time, would meet up with the developers to decline politely. 当时我们正与劳埃德公司合作,所以一致决定让当时三个合伙人之一的马尔科·戈德施米特去与开发商会面,并礼貌地拒绝这份委托。
101568 We were told that we had achieved a perfect balance first time round; nothing further could be added or taken away. 我们被告知,第一轮方案做到了完美的平衡;没有任何可添加或删除的东西。
101569 We weren't able to justify pedestrianisation to our client, but we proposed lowering the ground under the extension, to create a sunken piazza, with an underground gallery leading south beneath the road into the heart of Trafalgar Square. 我们没有足够的理由让客户建造步行区域,但我们建议将扩建部分底下的地面降低,建造一个下沉式的露天广场,并在通往特拉法加广场中心的道路下面建造一个地下画廊。
101570 We weren't going very fast, but suddenly we realised the back seat was empty. 我们开得不是很快,但是突然意识到后座空了。
101571 We will contribute to a sustainable environment and within this context fully meet our clients' needs while providing a solid return to shareholders. 我们将致力于可持续的环境,在这前提下,充分满足客户的需要,同时也要为股东们提供坚实盈利。
101572 We will discuss some of the many ways that Stonehenge has affected the millions of people who have visited it over the years in the final chapter. 多年以来,巨石阵对前去瞻仰参观的成千上万游客造成了怎样的影响?我们会在最后一章中讨论这个问题。
101573 We will discuss the role of springs in the spiritual lives of prehistoric people in the next chapter, but the muds around the Blick Mead spring also had the unusual property of permanently staining flints and other materials a 'bright magenta pink'. [19] This must surely have seemed magical to people at the time. 我们将在下一章节中讨论泉水在史前人类的精神生活中起到的作用,不过勃列克米得泉水附近的土质还有一种不寻常的特点——可以为燧石和其他物质染上一种永久性的“鲜艳品红色”,(14)这对当时的人们来说一定很不可思议。
101574 We will discuss their rapid decline in Chapter 8. 我们将会在第八章探讨这次迅速的没落。
101575 We will discuss these matters in Chapters 5 and 6, but here all we need to note is that both the final 500 metres of the Avenue and the stones of Stonehenge itself are arranged on that same northeast–southwest alignment. 我将会在本书第四章、第五章中继续探讨这些话题,现在我们只需要知道:不论是大道的最后500米通路,还是组成巨石阵的石头本身,都呈东北-西南方向。