ID 原文 译文
101556 We were losing heavily and put in claims which were weak in many cases. We originally hoped for about 10% and ended up with 85%. 多年以来,作为一种互操作格式,IFC不仅可以作为工具之间模型交换的机制,还可以作为我们进行设计分析和自动化的软件工具的输入格式。
101557 We were losing heavily and put in claims which were weak in many cases. We originally hoped for about 10% and ended up with 85%. 当时我方损失严重.提出的索赔在各方面都有破绽,开始时我们只期望得到索赔的10%,实际上来却得到了85%。
101558 We were never actually forbidden to design a traditional pitched roof or a bow window, but we came to instinctively understand that these did not belong to the approved modernist vocabulary. 实际上,我们从来没有被禁止设计传统的屋顶或弓形窗户,但我们本能地意识到,这些并不属于现代主义设计。然而,现代主义设计是具有挑战性的。
101559 We were next to inquire into the characters which fitted it peculiarly for architectural appliance, and into the principles of choice and of arrangement which best regulate the imitation of natural forms in which it consists. 下面我们将探讨建筑美的特征,探讨约束自然形状模仿的选择和设计的原则。
101560 We were no longer the 'architectural hippies' who had arrived in Paris in 1971, but had been appointed as the architects of the Lloyd's Building - one of the tallest new buildings in the City of London, commissioned by an institution at the heart of the establishment. 我们不再是一九七一年到达巴黎时的"建筑嬉皮士",而是受到委任的劳埃德大厦的建筑师--这是伦敦城最高的新建筑之一,由政府的核心机构委托建造。
101561 We were on our best behaviour and were convinced we had charmed her. 我们表现得很好,并深信自己已经迷住了她。
101562 We were on our way to Yale. 我们准备上耶鲁大学。
101563 We were photographed like celebrities by the New Haven local paper on our way to Yale. 纽黑文当地报纸拍的照片让我们看上去像是名流一样。
101564 We were prompted by the new owners of Thames Wharf (it changed hands following Marco Goldschmied's departure from the practice in 2004) wanting to redevelop it. 泰晤士河码头(二〇〇四年,马尔科·戈德施米特离开事务所后,它被转手了)的新业主们催我们搬走,因为他们想重新开发它。
101565 We were still wearing the same clothes we had travelled over in - Renzo in a baggy tweed jacket, me in a denim suit and bright-coloured shirt. 我们仍然穿着刚来法国时穿的衣服--伦佐穿着一件宽松的粗花呢夹克,我穿着牛仔装和鲜艳的衬衫。